172 : Change (Unedited)

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When I saw Huangfu, Xiaohong suddenly stabbed the whole beast. It is natural that there is no forgotten imperial concubine, such a powerful presence, even if it is wanted and can not be forgotten. Just, it doesn't understand why this man suddenly appears here?

Immediately removed his sight, Xiaohong looked at the direction of Murong's face, and his face was full of doubts. Although it doesn't have an opening, the meaning is already obvious, just why you want to call it out.

When Murong was looking at Xiaohong's first sight, it was really a bit uncomfortable. Although she knew that these two little beasts were usually in her space, they often stole some spiritual plants. But now it is another matter to see, so a huge millennium ginseng, even bigger than Xiaohong, it is holding a donkey, not afraid to make up.

When Xiaohong appeared, everyone was a little surprised. However, it was immediately relieved. After the contract of Warcraft, there will be World of Warcraft space, so the appearance of Xiaohong is not surprising. However, everyone's eyes are on the little red ginseng holding the thousand-year-old ginseng that is being smashed.

This millennium ginseng is a good thing, and it is often used in some nourishing remedies. The age of ginseng is naturally higher, the better, especially the one thousand years of ginseng in Xiaohong's arms, probably the aura of absorption! This strain of ginseng has been faintly shaped to look like a fat doll. I knew it was a good ginseng at first glance.

Such a good thing, as long as it is obtained, will be well received. Therefore, no one thought that Murong will actually let a World of Warcraft directly eat a thousand years of ginseng. As long as you are a person you see, you can't help but sigh in your heart.

Xiaohong seems to have noticed that everyone's eyes fell on the ginseng in his arms. The expression on his face suddenly became a little awkward. Then he quickly hid the ginseng behind him and then looked at Murong with a flawless look. I look like I don't steal anything.

However, Xiaohong probably didn't know that the ginseng was bigger than its body, and even if it wanted to hide it, it couldn't hide it!

Looking at Xiao Hong's appearance, Murong couldn't help but support the amount. Is this the near Zhu Zhe, is the black nearer? Xiaohong and Xiaobai just got along with each other for a while, and they all learned all the habits of Xiaobai.

Murong could only help but sigh with a sigh of relief, then pointed to the flame fox and said, "Xiaohong, look, this flame fox and you should be an ancestor! I think you should be able to communicate well. ""

When he heard Murong's face, Xiaohong turned his head and saw the flame fox.

Compared with Xiaohong's pocket, this flame fox is very powerful. The whole body is almost as big as a tiger, with a shiny white hair, only a cluster of fiery red hair on the top of the head. The whole looks extraordinarily powerful.

However, although this flame fox has an imposing manner, when it saw Xiaohong, it instinctively cringed. This is the difference in the blood level between Warcraft, which can't be changed anyway.

Xiaohong glanced at the flame fox, then looked back and looked at Murong, seeming to want to know what his master had to do.

"You communicate with it and let it go!" Murong waved his hand and said, "Well, as long as you complete this task well, I will not hold you wrong to steal the plant."

During the speech, Murong reluctantly looked at the huge millennium ginseng behind Xiaohong.

After hearing the words of Murong, Xiaohong immediately took the thousand-year-old ginseng into his arms and held it tightly. The nature of the food-protection was undoubted. Of course, it has not forgotten the task that Murong gave to it. It went straight to the flame fox in step by step.

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