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I looked at the one who said my name. I knew it was him, without a doubt, before he confirmed it by calling me Lilac.

Even though it was dark the night we met, and I couldn't make out any of his features with the shadows crossing over his face, I remembered those blue eyes. They were so bright, I wondered if they were real. They reminded me of the crisp blue of a tropical ocean, or the bright sky on day with no clouds and the sun left to shine uninterrupted.

But the boy who stood in front of me didn't look like the type to wear contacts, so I'm almost positive they're real.

He was looking at me while I looked right back at him. His eyes were even more brilliant because of the skin they sat on. The contrast of the olive hue made them pop even more. His hair was dark, as were his eyebrows. His chin was sculpted, and I swear I could see the muscles in his jaw begin to tense as we silently stared at each other.

Well, I stared up at him. He stared down at me. There was a significant height difference between us. I had no doubt he was well over six feet tall.

I wondered for a moment if he really did go to our school, because simply, I found it hard to believe I had never before noticed a boy who looked like he did. He was hot. There was no way around it.

And I knew, that he knew he was hot. The way he was standing confirmed it. He stood with such confidence, no self doubt as my eyes poured over him. Over his broad shoulders, and the way his leather jacket tightened around his biceps...

"Lilac?" Clara's confused voice brought me back to reality. "What the fuck?"

"Is that not your name?" The mystery boy didn't take his eyes off me, even though it was clear that Clara was speaking to the both of us. "That's what you said your name was."

"It is my name." I said simply. I looked away from him, and back towards Clara. She was darting her eyes between me, and the two guys we didn't know the names of. Her pale eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion. She shook her head slightly as we made eye contact, as if she was silently asking who the fuck is that and why the fuck did he call you Lilac?

"I'm Samuel." The other guy said, walking past Mr. Mystery until he stood in front of Clara and I. He was looking us up and down like we were a snack that he wanted to eat. Even his simple words of introducing himself oozed with sex appeal, and instantly, I could tell we were dealing with a ladies man. Who the hell were these boys?

"I figured I would introduce myself, since everyone else seems to be on first name basis. I was feeling left out. Rome, you mean to tell me that you know these beautiful ladies, and you never mentioned it before?" Samuel continued when we didn't speak.

I was surprised at the fact Clara hadn't said anything yet. Clara may get an A in every class she's ever taken, but trust me when I say, boys is the subject she really excelled at.

"We're not on first name basis. Your boy here just happens to know my best friend's full name. I find it to be suspicous, to be honest. No one calls her that, and I highly doubt she told you it herself. So, no, no one here is on first name basis." Clara said quickly.

Anyone who didn't know Clara might think she's being rude. I knew her, though. I knew her like the back of my hand, and this was Clara's first step in flirting with someone. She tried to hurt their feelings.

Yeah, my best friend can be a little toxic. But... can't we all?

Samuel opened his mouth at the same time Mr. Mystery did. They both looked at each other, like a silent argument on who should speak first. After only a second of their stares, Mr. Mystery shook his head, while Samuel continued. He walked right up to Clara, his hands in his pockets. He stopped when he was right next to her. He peered down at her, his head slightly tilted.

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