Chapter 35

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The day we had waited for arrived. We stood on a bruised grassy knoll, the moon reflecting over the small woodland. The trees appearing to reflect the watchful eye of our goddess, she said she'd be here and with the almost sun-like glow coming from the lunar orb. I knew she was supporting us... wolves and vampires alike.

I watched as our wolves ran around us into the trees, the vampires already in place at the other side of the wood. It had been decided the leaders would go in last if the fight wasn't brought to us. It didn't set well with Damian, I knew that. But their pack could be recreated... that sat well with no-one. We listened at the sounds of gunfire, the beating of wings. I chewed on my lip, just hoping the Fae were being injured, but the fallback signal hadn't been howled. I could only assume we were able to kill. "They're coming this way, my warriors are pushing the fight to us," Lazarus stated. We could see nothing, but we could hear at least a hundred feet stepping as one.

The beating of wings got closer as a few I recognised as our warriors ran out of the tree line. Theo ran to us, "It's all going according to plan," he panted. I gripped onto Damian's hand briefly before releasing to ready for the onslaught that we could hear was getting closer. My heart pounded in my chest, how many of our wolves had fallen? I gulped as translucent wings caught the moonlight.

The fae I'd just caught a glimpse of came out of the trees backwards locked in a ferocious fight with Gregor. He jumped, landing behind the silver-haired fae, Gregor ripped at his wing. A cry so terrible my heart clenched, it was the wail of death. The cry of a mother who lost her child. Gregor had frozen at the sound, allowing the fae with the ripped wing to turn and plunging his hand into Gregor's chest. "NO!" I found myself shouting as the fae's other hand ripped Gregor's throat clean away from his body.

Damian aimed the crossbow and fired, the bolt burying straight into the silver-haired fae. He faltered mid-step, looking towards us twenty paces away. And laughed. Damian frowned, locking another bolt in place. But before he fired a gunshot echoed next to me making me jump. Nicos had picked a glittering gold revolver, which was now smoking in front of him. However, to all our horrors, despite the bullet hole in the fae's forehead, he kept laughing.

More of our warriors spilled onto the grass, some fae behind, some in front. A younger coppered haired warrior I knew to be called Terry fired an automatic assault riffle, five fae dropped. Dead. The silver-haired fae that had been laughing turned just as a vampire lunged out of the trees, snapping his neck.

The beating of wings caught my attention amongst the chaos in front of us, Damian and Nicos kept firing into the onslaught, seemingly having no effect apart from slowing those they hit. Iris aimed her hunting bow. I just made out the twang of her string as she released. Her carbon fibre arrow flying true and burying into an oak-haired fae, killing him on impact. "What the fuck!" Nicos glanced to her. Then we all heard a thump behind us.

"My dear, dear friends... you thought a little blood mixing could change the fact we created you?" Archimedes smirked. Damian shot automatically, the bolt thudding into Archimedes leather vest, he stumbled before righting himself. "You can't kill me, Damian, when will you learn?" He pulled out a sword, the brilliant moonlight glinting off the silver blade. "I think I've had enough of you causing trouble, I may be unable to kill you, but let's right the wrong shall we?" Iris' arrow shot through the air but Archimedes blocked the arrow with a flick of his sword. "Now now, no need for that, dear." Ash threw three throwing knives in quick succession. Quick as a flash, Archimedes blocked all but one. A knife buried deep into his thigh. His purple eyes landed on Ash, a look of fury set on his face as he pulled the blade from his thigh.

I glanced behind us as Archimedes limped towards Ash. The number of fae were dwindling, I counted five of our own dead on the grass, but at least thirty fae. "You're going to lose Archimedes!" I shouted to gain his attention. It worked, he stopped and turned to me.

The End of the OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now