Chapter 23:

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The night came to an end, we were dining with Johnny's parents and what a lovely evening it has been. His parents were welcoming and the atmosphere was warm and loving, his mother was all he said she could be. She reminded me of my mother and always wanting to fill me up with food every chance she gets. Sometimes I even get teased because I don't eat as much as I should. But according to my mother if your plate is not empty, then you are just wasting food. Says the same woman who stuffs your plate and expects you to finish it all in one gulp.

We had reached my door step when I felt his arms around my frame, oh how sweet he smelt, it just made me want to melt in his arms. I flushed with the touch of the back of his hand gently against my cheek, I felt as he pulled on my arm once again. I felt like a naughty teenager, I never thought I'd be feeling the same way again after Carter and I, but this time it was different, it was right. It was all that I could have wanted, Johnny was somehow always there when I needed him.

"Thank you," he nodded calmly and there I go again, I melted at just the thought of his touch. "For being there and for agreeing to meet my parents. I can tell that they love you and that's a very tough and tricky thing to crack, and it's a bonus that my little man knows your brother." He added with a smile. And there I go, not paying much attention but to a work he just said. It was sometimes hard for me to look into his eyes, and that beautiful smile of his. No Drew, you are not here to daydream, this was more like a formal date if anything. That I assured myself of very well, I was not one to get my hopes up and neither someone who jumped into anything.

"Well this is my cue, bye, see tomorrow." I hugged him before going into the house, I gulped when I saw my mother sitting in the living room and watching some of her soaps. I knew she would be up this late to interrogate me about how my date went with Johnny.

She knew him and to my surprise she took a liking to him rather quick, but who wouldn't? He was respectful and the elderly loved him, I was shocked when I saw how well-known he was at the hospital even before I met him. The smiles he would bring to all those little faces, the children would light up everything he walked into the room, and I loved that he was so close with his little brother who was the same age as Sam was. They knew each other because they were always in the same grade, and to think that little Sam is growing up so fast, one day he would even be taller than I am. I can barely keep up with Maya and how she has grown, my baby was no longer a baby she was growing up and very fast.

"You came home early." My mother said, I had thought of sneaking pass her and going to my room without bothering her. I knew how she gets when she's watching her soaps, there isn't a thing that can come close to her and The Bold And The Beautiful and that goes for Days Of Our Lives and among them were reruns of the good old classics, our favorite to watch together was Martin.

"Well, I have work early tomorrow morning in case you have forgotten my dear beautiful queen."

She had her attention on the television but paused it and glanced up at me. I could sense that there would be a speech coming along with the look she had in her eyes, I know I suck at these things. I had this weird thing going on with always being home early or being on time, I suppose my OCD was getting the better half of me. I'd go insane if I didn't do anything on time or what my mother would call “The Drew way.” Meaning, it had to be perfect or anything closest to it.

"You are such a grandma my dear Drew, just kidding. But you know, there are things in life which I want you to enjoy, such as going out and having fun, you are allowed to have those. I just don't want you to be married to your work which I understand that it is important to you, but please Drew, try and live a little." She smiled and nods her head, I could sense that she was talking more of me staying up late with Johnny. I chuckled.

"Gotcha, miss Sandy Shady." I playfully rolled my eyes as I made my way to my bedroom. I could hear voices coming from Maya's bedroom as I approached closer. Her door was left wide open and as I got closer, I instantly recognize the other voice, it was Jamal. Maya had told me earlier about working on some things with Jamal for the protest they both will be going to. He would be writing a poem and she would be busy helping him with the banners they were making, they were so focused and I didn't feel like bothering them, instead I just let them be. It was a Friday night after all, and it was still early, now I wished I wouldn't have came home so early, great. My mom had gotten into my head and now I regret it all.

I went to my bedroom and just threw myself onto my bed, sighing in agony, time was passing by slow and I can only imagine what I would be doing with myself, when boredom kicks in there is no stopping it. I heard a sound against my window and it sounded as though it was about to crack, repeatedly I could hear it, and when I got closer I could see Johnny waving outside. He had been tossing pebbles at my window. "Come down, pretty please." He yelled.

"Not so loud, do you want my father to come down and kick your behind?" I was so happy to see him again even if it was in such a way, I just couldn't help myself, every time he was near I just wanted to melt and fall gracefully into his big beautiful arms, oh gosh I sound worse than Maya does already.

"For you, I will take that gamble." I rolled my eyes, typical men, I closed my window grabbing my purse and ran downstairs, by now I can guess that my mother already knew where I was headed to. She just smiled and nod giving her approval, which was weird and I will definitely have a word with her once I have returned.

I got out and found him waiting outside my door for me, those beautiful dimples and those beautiful green eyes I could not resist, it was all hidden in his smile. "So, tell me, did you miss me already?" I teased. Earning a well-earned eye roll from him, whatever.

"More than you could have ever imagine." I bit down on my lower lip, keeping myself from exclaiming out with pure excitement. Yes, I hate to admit how cheesy I sound, I even sound like Maya right now whenever Jamal was anywhere near her. And to think that I am the only one who keeps teasing her about it.

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