Chapter 52

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❤️Babes I have a juicy long chapter for you. Don't forget to VOTE✩ AND COMMENT.

You know those who comment are my favorite. I swear when I read your comments I just want to upload the next chapter faster, so I can read your comments again. So, you're doing you a favor haha.

Now go and enjoy the new chapter❤️

Francy's p.o.v

I buttoned up my coat, got my bag and headed out of the classroom. It was the last day in school and I was so ready to go home. I looked at the time. It was around 1 and I was supposed to meet Elric. He was going to drive me home and we were going to spend some time together while no one was home. With the excuse that he was waiting for Ace if anyone showed up.

I was dying to see Elric. After seeing him only last weekend I couldn't wait to hug him.

Suddenly someone hugged me tightly from behind.

I peeked behind me and saw Elric's smile. I turned around smiling. "Perfect timing."

"Are you ready to go home?" He asked taking my hand and looked around to check if anyone was watching.

"Yes." I squeezed his hand.

Suddenly my phone rang and we instantly both panicked.

"Sorry. It's my phone." I smiled awkwardly. "It's just Remi."

I answered. "Hello."

"Oh my god. Francy! Where the hell are you? Did you leave?" She sounded panicked.

"I'm outside the school.Leaving. I told you I'm meeting Elric today."

He glanced at me and mouthed. She knows?

I shushed him, smiling. "Aren't you in class?" I asked Remi. I was sure she had one more extra class today.

"Yes. No. I need help." She tried to calm down. "I was supposed to do a final presentation today for my civic class."

Right right. She had to do that political assignment.

"And how did it go?" I asked.

"Go? I haven't even started! Francy!" She was losing it. "I'm outside the classroom trying to figure out what to do. My usb is not showing the assignment when I plug it in the teacher's laptop. I am sure I put it in the USB this morning. But it's not showing up now. I tried everything I could find on google to fix this."

"Oh shit!" I said rubbing my forehead. "What do you need me to do? Do you want me to go and grab your laptop?"

Remi sighed. "No no. you won't get here on time and....wait did you say you were with Elric. Oh my god you are with Lucy."

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