"17 rejections, endless arguments and with 25 minutes left"

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So here I am standing in front of my room or rather my new room. It feels so strange and unusual to be standing in front of my walk in closet and trying to decide which dress should I wear. Every time we went somewhere, Jess was always there to pick my dress and accessories saving me from the wrath of choosing dresses.

Mercy on my poor fashion sense!

It is 6:30pm already! I need to get there by 8pm so I have to get ready by 7:30pm. Oh god! How am I going to get ready? What if I don't get anything to wear and end up going there in my polka dots short and white tank top? Jake said it is some high class party because Black and his family is very rich. I really don't leave a chance to embarrass myself.

I was so busy in my chain of thoughts and rants that I didn't realize when the door of my room opened. I didn't realize when someone entered through it as I was pacing to and fro in my room. And I didn't realize it because I was busy ranting.

"Oh god, how the hell am I going to get ready. I have only 45 mins left and I haven't even started. "

"Damn it Eva, you have a full big walk in closet in your room and you can't even chose a single dress from it?" I asked myself.

"But how can I wear those? They are not mine. I am not supposed to take advantage of Mr. Apathetic's money. " I reasoned myself.

"Oh damn it Jess where are you?" I questioned myself.

"I am stuck in this deserted house with my senseless fashion sense."

"And that Mr. Apathetic-" I was cut off by a deep voice which I have now become familiar to.

"I think that is enough. Your friend named Jess is waiting for you in the hall." The voice said from behind.

I crossed my fingers and turned around to see Mr. Apathetic aka Mr. Ace Parker standing on the doorway with a blank expression, as usual.

I tried to avoid his eyes with all my strength to avoid further embarrassment by examining things in my room which now seemed really fascinating to me.

I didn't know I had a chandelier near the window. Woah!

I have nice observational skills. I mentally patted my head.

A sound of clearing throat forced me to look into the eyes of Mr. Apathetic.

"Did you even hear what I said?" Ace asked.


"oh yes, I heard it all." I replied lying. He scoffed not believing me. I chose to ignore that.

"She is waiting for you, she says that you are going somewhere. Are you?" He asked with an expressionless face.

"Oh! Is someone worried about me?" I asked playfully which was really foolish of me because I already know the answer.

"No, stop daydreaming. I am worried about the deal we made." He said grimly.

Well that was kind of rude. But told ya, I knew the answer. There was not even an etch of concern on his.

Why would he care where the hell you go?

"Yeah I am going. I will be back before 10pm I guess. There is some party at Jake's friend's house so I, Jess and Jake are going. Though I don't know if I am going naked or in sleepwear." I said the last time more to myself than him.

"Okay. " And with that he turned. But then turned again and said "And yes, you can use all the dresses here. They are yours. If you need anything else you can call your secretary. " He finished and gave me a card with the phone number.

Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)Where stories live. Discover now