Chapter Eleven

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James' P.O.V.

Another day of freaking school sitting behind..her. I just can't stand it any longer, I've had a crush on her since year 7 and I always act like a bitch about it... I was talking with Noah all night last night and it's been happening often since we started school again. He's always trying to prepare me mentally to tell her how I feel and he succeeds but the moment I look at her in the eyes everything just flows out the window.

I sighed and dumped my schoolbag on the floor next to my bedroom door and lay on my bed, facing down. I groaned as my nose was being squished but I didn't really care at that point. I heard Noah come in and he closed the door. "Nothing?" He asked and sighed. I nodded and groaned louder. I heard him approach me and he slapped the back of my head. "Idiot" he said and sat down casually. "H-hey!" I frowned and rubbed my head.

I sat up and sighed. He looked at me casually as he was drinking some water. "If you don't tell her I will, you have until tomorrow at 3 pm" he put his bottle down. It took me a few seconds to fully comprehend yet when I did my eyes widened, illustrating the horror that was taking over me. "Wh-What?!" I shouted almost. "You heard me kiddo.." he said and took his phone out of his pocket.

I was petrified, I had no idea if he was bluffing or not, Noah never bluffs. 'I don't think he means it, he's probably messing with me' I kept thinking, trying to convince myself, yet his calmness sent chills down my spine. He would never do that to me. I felt my eyes starting to water, 'am I such a bitch?' I thought and looked at my palms. 'Maybe that's why I have zero chances with her' I thought for the millionth time that day and I sniffled, which caught Noah's attention. "James?" He asked and the concern in his voice was noticeable. "Are you crying?" he asked and came to my bed.

I didn't want to answer; I didn't like crying in front of people. I was embarrassed and I wanted to avoid his eyes being glued onto me. "I--" I started saying but he hugged me tightly. "'re such an idiot" he sighed but I could hear the smile in his voice. "I know.." I whispered. "Listen, you've had a major crush on her for years, this can't continue. Are you really going to let her go that easily? It's not the James I know... Look at Harry, he met Tasha, he liked her, waited for a month to get to know her and boom, now they've been together for 2 years almost. Don't you want that too?" he released me and looked at me. I did want it, so badly.. I nodded and sighed. "I need to be alone for a little" I sighed and so did he. "Okay James, think about it...again" he smiled softly and I gave him a small smile as a response.


The park always relaxed me. Especially when sitting at that particular spot near the fountain. It was so quiet at this time of the day; it always helped me clear up my mind. I sighed, thinking of all the things Noah had said. I hadn't heard them the first time but for some reason, they really got to me. I rubbed my eyes and sat back on the bench thinking of her and I found myself smiling like an idiot.

I was about to leave when someone came and sat next to me on the bench. I sighed and made room for them, looking ahead when a gentle punch hit my shoulder. "Don't go away silly" she said with a giggle. My face turned red in a matter of seconds, why was Emma here? I had no idea how to react or respond to her. She locked eyes with me and smiled, her dimples getting even more defined.

"So?" she looked at me and frowned softly, looking at me. "So...?" I looked back at her confused trying to contain my redness. "You sent me a text saying you wanted to meet here, that you wanted to talk" she tilted her head cutely. 'What? I didn't send her anything. Unless...I will fucking murder him, I knew it was a horrible idea to exchange Facebook passwords' "Uhm yeah... well..." I was struggling to keep my composure but then I thought...'how bad can it actually be?'

She sighed cutely but she was waiting patiently. " here's the thing" I started and she looked at me, that delightful smile splitting her face again. "I just wanted to say...What I'm trying to tell you is...The thing is..." I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. This wasn't going to work and it was already embarrassing as hell.

I was looking down at my feet and I opened my mouth to speak again but before I got the chance to I felt an light pair of lips pushing against my cheek. My eyes widened slightly and the temperature of my entire body rose. I looked at her shocked and that smile of hers that made me melt was still there accompanied by a light blush.

'What was that?' "Wha--" she blushed deeper. "I'm sorry, you were just standing there and..and you were so cute" her eyes began to water as her action became more realistic to her. "No, no" I held her hand and squeezed it softly. "What no?" she asked, her voice is followed by a cute sniffle. "Don't apologize" I said quietly and gave her a gentle smile.

She looked at me flustered and embarrassed. That moment my mind was completely blank and I was acting solely on instinct. I was still holding her hand and she wasn't resisting my touch. While our eyes were glued to each other's slowly leaned towards her, touching her lips to mine slowly. My eyes were now shut, something that was nerve-racking since I couldn't see her expressions. However, she didn't pull back or show any discomfort.

A couple of seconds passed that seemed like an eternity and I felt her pair of lips respond to mine, pushing back slightly. I could feel her smiling and a wave of relief took over me.

We slowly pulled away from each other. She opened her eyes and so did i. Her face was adorned with a breathtaking smile that had somewhat lost its naïvete. I smiled back at her and released her hand. "Is that all you wanted to tell me?" she asked with a giggle that still brought out that hint of innocence. "Almost.." I replied and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

I was about to speak again when she shifted her body weight against me, leaning her head on my collarbone. That nervous feeling returned, painting my cheeks and ears red as Ι held her for the first time. "Yes..?" she persuaded me to continue talking. I cleared my throat. "Would go out with me?" Ι whispered and Ι felt her face being split by a wide smile. "I thought you'd never ask..." she replied and nodded.


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