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      "My name... is Fulcrum," with those four muttered words, a great chime echoed across the universe. A chime that sounded the return of one of the greatest warriors since the dawn of creation. Chase did not understand the ringing in his ears after uttering the name Fulcrum. But two of the beings in another room of the building knew exactly what it meant, and for a brief moment smiled at one another.

      "Hey, Cole, don't worry about the kid's training today. I know there is somewhere else you want to be right now. We'll fill you in on some things later," Tyler said to Cole who was nursing the headache that Granite's mind had left. Cole did not speak a word but nodded and held his head as he stood and left Tyler and Leon alone.

      The two sat quietly for a moment until they were confident that Cole was out of earshot. Leon was the first to speak, "I'm glad that he has some of his memory back but at the same time, I feel bad for him... He was a happy guy but after regaining all of that rage and sorrow all at once..." Tyler nodded knowing exactly what he was talking about.

      "But can we really say anything about it?" Tyler asked vacantly, "Especially since we are the reason his existence has been so full of sorrow... Granted the reason was worth the price... but after all this time... do you think it's time we told him?" The two let the question hang in the air solemn remembrance crossing both of their faces.

      Before either of them could answer the question a door creaked open and with it the sense of an old and familiar power flowed through the air. "We're in here Chase, come join us," Tyler called out.

     A nervous tension filled the air, "Don't worry we don't bite... much," Leon called out.

     Tyler quickly reprimanded him with a punch to the gut, "Ignore him, he sometimes speaks before he thinks." The tension seemed to waiver before the creaking of movement on the old floorboards stared. The form that staggered around the corner in a daze with dark circles under the eyes was so hard to believe that just the day before, Chase was so full of life and energy.

     "Zhi? Why do I feel so empty?" Chase said in a dry whisper, as though he hadn't had anything to drink for days. His eyes fluttered as though failing to stay awake. But before either of them could respond to Chase's question, his entire state of being changed. With a bright flash of glowing light, his exhausted weak appearance faded. His physical form did not change that the two could see, but they watched as deep within his soul, the original dragon awoke from his slumber.

      Shaking himself Chase looked at the two people seated in front of him before saying with a smirk, "You assholes, you know I won't remember anything until I hear my name again. Now get over here and greet me properly instead of staring like idiots." After a moment of silence, there was a great roar of laughter as the three greeted each other with memory intact again.

     "It has been too long bud," Leon said punching Chase in the shoulder, "But I do have to ask, you going to start going by Fulcrum or stay as Chase?"

       A moment passed as he thought about what Leon had asked, "When it's just the three of us I'll go by Fulcrum, Otherwise I'll go by Chase." Agreeing to that, the three of them spent the evening catching up and remembering parts of their pasts worth talking and laughing about.

       Eventually, everyone left to get ready for the next day. Before Tyler left he gave Chase a key to the house, saying "Feel free to use the hangout whenever. Just know if you have a girl over at least clean up after yourselves." Chase rolled his eyes and grinned as Tyler left. Not wanting to do anything locked the door and started the walk home.

        About halfway back to his house, Chase received a text. Stopping to look at it, he found that it was from Amber reading simply, Hey... can I stay with you tonight? Chuckling to himself he replied to her saying, Sure, but if I might ask why the sudden interest?

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