8 - Bane

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She'd flustered him. Somehow she seemed to be doing that rather consistently today.

Bane found himself pretending to look out a window that was so covered in smoke and filth there would've been nothing to see in broad daylight, much lest this time of night. But the alternative was to turn back and be forced to speak to her again, which he was not fond of either.

She was without a doubt the one who'd written the letters. He'd had the fleeting daydream that perhaps it was the other Georgina Marie who had written to him, who he'd grown so fond of... who he'd nearly admitted to being in love with.

Instead, George seemed to confirm with every word out of her mouth, that She'd been the girl writing to him all along. The thought burned his pride... he'd said things, referred to shared memories that would have been meant for Georgina Marie - the other Georgina Marie - and George would've known that, Couldn't have missed it.

But instead of telling him, or pointing out his mistake, She'd gone ahead and tricked him into matrimony. Fists tightening in his leather gloves, Bane squeezed his eyes shut again a pounding headache that was growing just behind his eyes. He Couldn't think about this now, not now with Geoffrey murdered, and his locomotive carriage lost.

"I'll be back directly," he grumbled an excuse and made for the door trying not to look too hurried as he effectively tucked tail and ran away from his wife on their wedding night.

But then he opened the flimsy wooden door and the sound of a bar fight reached his ears. TOrn once again, his anger grew ever more, turning back to George he barked the order that was meant only as a safety precaution.

"Don't open this door for anyone but me!" he nearly shouted, glowering at her. She looked back at him mid drink over the goblet of cheap wine.

Her large brown eyes staring at him, but then fear crept into her expression. Bane felt his gut clench.

He'd frightened her. Not that it should matter, everyone was frightened by him... only he hadn't been trying to scare the girl at that particular moment.

"WHy?" she breathed the word, setting down the goblet, eyes still round on him, "WHat's out there?" she asked in a tiny voice and Bane realized he'd frightened her towards the inn, instead of himself.

With a shot of relief coming through his chest, all he could think to do was shrug apathetically.

"You're married to the Bear now," he reassured her, "No one will harm you," he promised, this time managing to get his voice out a little less harshly, "But just wait until I come back to open the door alright?" he added again... why was he bargaining with her now?

"Why?" she repeated, the fear ebbing and curiosity coming to the edges of her expression. Curiosity was the most dangerous thing you could find in a woman.

"Just listen to me would you?" Bane barked the words before stamping out and slamming the door behind him.

There in the hallway was the innkeeper's boy again, coming down from the flight above them, more firewood in hand. Bane reached out and took hold of him by the shirt collar.

"You -" he ordered, shoving the youth against the doorway he'd just vacated himself, "No one goes in, no one comes out until I return - am I understood?" Bane growled low, hoping George would not be able to hear exactly what he was saying.

THe boy just nodded, his lips pressed tightly together, and his face going pale. Bane hesitated for a moment, wondering if the boy could be trusted to watch George or if he would end up a danger himself in such a situation.

Vasilating for only a moment longer, Bane reached into his coin belt and brought out a silver piece, flipping it, he let it sparkle midair, just under the boy's nose.

Misleading The Marquisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें