Chapter 7 - Erasing & Revising

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Chapter 7
Erasing & Revising

As I walked the halls of school the next day, my curiosity got the better of me and I ended up eavesdropping on Flynn and Olivia’s conversation by his locker. I don’t know why I cared, he meant nothing after all. Everything was in the process of being erased when it came to him. But still, I found myself walking just a bit slower to hear what was going on.

“Babe, you were supposed to come over after school two nights ago. I haven’t seen or talked to you since. What’s going on?” Olivia pouted.

Flynn’s facial expression dropped from one of content to one of contortion. He looked extremely uncomfortable now, for the reasons only him and I knew about. His hands were shoved into his jean’s pockets and his eyes were roaming all over. I took this time to hide behind the corner wall of the hallway, only slightly peeking behind the wall separating Flynn’s view of me.

“Uh, Wednesday night?” he questioned slowly, now scratching the back of his neck. “Oh! I was helping my dad with that addition to the back porch. Remember seeing the construction plans last weekend?” he asked her, his voice slightly raised.

Even from here I could tell Flynn was lying through his teeth. I knew where exactly he was, that was a fact, but when Olivia responded to his bold lie, I let out a dramatic and frustrated sigh, rolling my eyes at her obvious ignorance.

“Really? You should have just told me, Fly!” she said, her voice higher and much more confident than it was when this conversation first started.

That was the other thing that irritated me about Olivia Fairfield, the way she shortened her boyfriend’s name. It sounded like a nickname you would name a rodent as a pet or something. And the worst part was that it was pronounced like “Flea.”

I watched as Olivia stood on the tips of her toes and placed her hands on Flynn’s shoulders while she kissed him goodbye. He reciprocated with a mannerly fashion and smiled warmly at her as he watched her leave. But when she was officially out of sight, his shoulder relaxed and he took in a deep breath. Lying to such extremities like that really must wear people out.

I really wouldn’t know how that feels.

“Hey, you!” Flynn called out, noticing me hiding behind the now ineffective wall. I sighed heavily and cursed myself for not focusing on the objective of keeping out of sight. When I realized hiding was out of the question now, I squared my shoulders and prepared myself like I was going out to battle and walked up to Flynn.

“What were you doing there?” he asked, a genuine smile gracing his lips. I practically had to tear my eyes away from his lips, reminding myself that feeling the way that I did wasn’t good for either of us.

I simply shrugged in response and his smile dropped fully, leaving a frown planted in his features.

“Come on, Willow,” he sighed, giving me those signature sad eyes. “I thought we…I thought we made some type of progress.”

This angered me more than I thought it would. I whipped my phone out of the front pocket of my jeans and quickly wrote out a reply.

I’m sorry. I thought I was told to forget about everything.

It was incredibly snarky and sarcastic on my part, but I didn’t care. Flynn obviously didn’t care like he always claimed that he did, so who was I to care for him? He knew I didn’t need help, nor did I want any. He could do what he pleased now; he was free to go and live his life with his beautiful, cheerleader girlfriend and his sports friends and leave me the hell alone.

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