06: Linley

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This is more of a filler chapter, just to set the scene for the next one. And the song linked to the right has nothing to do with this chapter, but it's what I was listening to when I was writing it. x) Enjoy. 

*Edited on January 6, 2013

06: Linley

            I slowly and groggily open my eyes. Sunlight filters in through my maroon curtains, casting a faint red glow around the room. I groan, sit up, stretch, and yawn. Scratching my back, I glance over at my alarm clock. It reads 7:46. I look over at my bed, considering the possibility of going back to sleep, but I shrug and stand instead. I’m awake already. Might as well get up.

            The smell of bacon reaches my nose as I step out of my room and into the hallway. Boone is sitting outside of my door. His tail thumps against the wall when he sees me.

“Hey, buddy,” I say, sinking to my knees and scratching behind his ears. He licks my nose, causing me to sputter and giggle. “Yeah, I love you too,” I say, kissing his forehead. I stand up. Boone shakes and trots down the stairs. I quietly follow after him.

When I reach the landing, I see that Trey is at the stove, making bacon, wearing plaid pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt. Boone comes up behind him and nudges him with his nose.

“Hey, Boone,” Trey says lovingly, reaching behind him and stroking his head. I smile a little. And then an idea pops into my head; a genious, devious, fantastic idea. My previous smile transforms into a mischevious one.

I slowly and carefully creep further down the stairs, tiptoeing with each step I take. When I reach the bottom, I slink around the kitchen table. Think cat, Linley, I think to myself. You are a cat, master of stealth and cunning. You got this. I suppress a giggle. I sometimes think the stupidest things on my pranking missions. Trey is still horribly oblivious to my presence. So I position myself behind him. And then I jump on his back.

“GAAH!” he screeches, staggering backward and throwing his spatula across the room. Boone starts barking and I laugh hysterically.

“Linley!” he squeals, his voice cracking. “You scared the living daylights out of me!”

I laugh some more. “That was the idea, good sir.”

“Darn you,” he breathes. “That was good timing too…”

I climb off his back and stand next to him. “Why was it good timing?”

He sighs. “I was already kind of jumpy this morning.”

I snicker. “Why?”

He smirks a little. “After we got home last night, I kind of went up to my room and played Slender…with the lights off…”

I laugh again. “Nice one.”

“I’m starting to regret it.”

“Of course you are, stupid. That’s a game that should not be played alone in the dark.”

He groans. “I know.”

I laugh once more and then pull myself up onto the counter. I cross my legs and start to play with my hair. Trey goes to retrieve his spatula from the other side of the room and finishes up the bacon. He hands me a couple of pieces before putting the rest on a plate, leaning back against the counter, and beggining to eat his share. Boone comes and sits at his feet, looking up at him with irresistible puppy dog eyes. Trey sighs and gives him a piece.

“Where’re Collin and Desiree?” I ask.          

“Already gone.”

“Seriously? How early did they leave?”

“At like 6.”

“Geez. That’s early for a Saturday.”


He and I quietly continue to eat our bacon. When Trey finishes, he throws his plate in the sink and wipes his hands off. “So,” he says.

“So,” I shoot back.

“What do you wanna do today?”

“I dunno. What do you wanna do today?”

“I asked you first.”

“I asked you second.”

He rolls his eyes. “You’re hopeless.”

I laugh. “That’s my job.”

He snickers a little. “We could always veg out.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Movie day?”

“Yeah, okay.”

“What movies?”

“Harry Potter,” I say instantly.

“Harry Potter it is,” he laughs. “I’ll go get it started.”

“Okay,” I reply brightly.

• • •

Twelve hours later and we are still sitting on the couch, watching Harry Potter. I don’t know what it feels like to be a potato, but I imagine that it is much like this.

“Wanna watch the last one now, or should we wait till tomorrow?” Trey asks. “It’s kinda late.”

“Eh, let’s do it now.”

“Okay, then.”

He puts it on and then comes and sits back down in his spot next to me. Boone sits at our feet, sleeping, his soft snores adding to the sounds from the movie. At about a half hour in, my eyes begin to get heavy. Stay awake, Linley, I think to myself. Stay awake. But I can’t. Five minutes later, and my eyelids close over my eyes, and I am plunged into sleep’s clutches.

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