Raise the Stakes

430 19 4

You had taken advantage of the sunlight all day, trying your hardest to get the window to your attic prison open. You couldn't break the thick glass even if you had the means to, Cartoon Cat would definitely hear you if you did that. You didn't know what he'd do to you if you were caught trying to escape on your own.

One thing you had managed to do was start separating the window frame from the window sill. It had taken a lot of prying at the warped wood (and more than a few splinters you had to pull out of your hands), but there was now a slender line where the frame and sill met. A few more days of this, and you would be able to leave without subjecting yourself to whatever torture your captor had in mind for you next.

You admired your handiwork by the light of the setting sun, the all too familiar shadows already creeping up the walls behind you. It wouldn't be long, you knew, before you'd be once more trapped in darkness. Speaking of which...

You turned to head towards your bed for the evening, only to bite back a scream when you found Cartoon Cat's face suddenly inches away from your own. As it was, you stumbled backwards with all the grace of a newborn fawn and would have fallen to the ground had your hand not caught the window sill. Over the sound of your own racing heart, you could hear the monster laughing.

A growl escaped your mouth, and you stood up to survey your hand for splinters. Just ignore him, pretend you aren't afraid... In spite of your thoughts, the goosebumps on your arms and the icy shivers crawling down your spine betrayed you. "What do you want?" The words came steadily enough, not a voice crack or a stutter to be heard. Eyes burned into the side of your head, and you got the sinking feeling that your personal prison warden could see right through your false bravado.

"Hostile tonight, aren't we darlin'?" His amused tone carried the energy you'd come to expect from Cartoon Cat. Not a single trace of the lazy, half-asleep predator you'd met this morning remained. "Can't an entity visit his prisoner without wanting something from them?" Your eyes furrowed and you focused more intently on your splinter hunt.

He paused, as if expecting an answer from you. You responded only with silence. If he had come for his usual pastime of screwing with your head, he would do that with or without your participation. Why bother responding and risk breaking the stubborn sense of courage you'd managed to cobble together?

The quiet couldn't last forever, unfortunately, and he spoke up again. "If you must know, I feel like another round of our little game is in order." There was a nonchalance in his tone that made you look up from your uninjured hand. He wasn't even looking at you anymore, opting to look at the doorway instead. "You know the rules already. You'll have five minutes to prepare." Cartoon Cat walked through the door before pausing and looking back at you.

"Oh, and if you do hear any screaming other than yours while you're in there~" Your blood ran cold as his grin stretched wider. "Just know that there are a few little mice that stopped by for breakfast~" The door closed, leaving you alone with the sour taste of bile in the back of your throat and the pit in your stomach. There were more people here......

You had to help them.

(Howdy, everyone! All my pre-written chapters are now up, and expect an update at least once every other week. I hope you all enjoy, and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!)

Monster (Cartoon Cat x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ