A Gift

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Azriel's train of thoughts was broken at midnight when Daggerheart woke up and tried to get out of bed.

"What are you doing?" He hissed as she tried stumbling out and failed.

"I'm trying-" She hiccuped, "-trying to get under the covers."

"Then, let me- oh cauldron boil and fry me!" He swiftly caught her and saved her from banging her head against a table. Pain shot up his arm and Daggerheart pulled herself up on wobbly feet. He inspected his arm and clenched his fist when a trail of blood flowed down from his elbow.

Daggerheart, unaware of the fact the she had stabbed him with the knife strapped against her thigh, pointed at his chest, "You do not want the cauldron to do that, Mr. Death and Doom. It's not very nice." Then, she gasped, "There is blood on your arm! You should be more careful!" She yanked his hand forward and he winced in pain but nodded, "Yes, I will be more careful."

He pulled her down on the bed, "Let's get those knives away from you, okay? Lay down."

She nodded and climbed on. As she sprawled on the bed, she said with her eyes half closed, "Don't go around stabbing yourself till I wake up. Understood?"

He gathered all of her blades and put them on his bedside table, "Understood."

After he settled down by her side, she pulled his arm that she stabbed and made herself comfortable on it. He bit his lip but let her sleep on his arm.

In her sleep she grumbled, "I don't know why I get to be your mate. I'm too pretty for that."

He snorted and brushed her hair back, "You are. Go to sleep now."

She rested her cheek on his palm and he smiled.

The wound thankfully healed quickly and the blood never reached his palm and so Daggerheart slept peacefully.

As soon as he saw the first ray is sunshine he left his room and knocked on Morrigan's door.
After a while she opened her door, sleep heavy in here eyes and her hair a complete mess. She glared at him, "What do you want?"

He peeked inside her room, "Is someone in there? Can I come in?"

Still glaring at him, she threw the door open and went inside. He followed her in and closed the door behind himself. Morrigan kept glaring at him as she drank some water and then crossed her arms across her chest, "Why are you here this early? Go take your mate to the library or something. Kiss her in a dark corner." She waved her arm around.

"I am here because of Daggerheart." He said, urgently.

She raised her eyebrows and Azriel spoke carefully, "Mor, when you are very upset. When you are "went to bed crying" sad, I mean. What cheers you up?"

"Nothing." She deadpanned.

"Nothing?" He gave her the most pathetic expression he could muster up.

She sighed, "If I'm crying myself to sleep, it mean there is nothing I can do to make me happy."

"But someone else can?" He asked hopefully.

She thought for a second, "Maybe. Depends on who they are and what they do."

Azriel couldn't think of someone other than him who would do anything right now and neither was he planning on abandoning Daggerheart ever again.

"Can you give me an example?" He pressed.

She tapped her chin, "I sometimes like to talk with Feyre, or misplace Rhys's things so he will have no option but to argue with me." She grinned, "Or I just go to Amren's apartment with Cassian to annoy her. That usually puts me in a good mood. If it's particularly bad, I will go look at some bright things in the city till my eyes hurt and then go to Rita's."

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