after math of the gate

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They just made it out of the gate and Naruto was carrying sayuri she was passed out Naruto looked back at beru and said " take care of things here " beru nodded and Naruto turned back and said " Kaisel" as his shadow grew and out came up a staging he stepped on it and took off Naruto was flying towards the hospital in mid flight sayuri put her head on his head  Naruto slightly blushed. They arrived at the hospital Naruto released Kaisel and went inside and said " get her checked out Now " as doctor's rushed with a bed scared and took her away  Naruto sat down in the waiting room back to the people at the gate it's just when Naruto took off with Kaisel everyone was shocked when they recovered minato said " where is he going " "he's going to the hospital "  said beru " can you take us too him" asked kushina " no as you heard I have to take care of things here or these guys will go wild and take and destroy everything " he said pointing at the army behind him " but tank can take you there " as an ice bear walked up " get on his back he'll take you there but any damage caused by him it on you ", said beru as they all got on tanks back and tanks started running a few minutes after the arrival of Naruto they got there tank waved his paw and ran back they got in and asked around and went to the waiting room to see Naruto sitting there with his head up and eyes closed like thinking about something what he really was doing was spying on beru apereantly beru put igris in charge and went home to watch movies he'll have to talk to him about slaking off and his movie choices he wasn't as mad for him slacking off he was mad about his movies choices it sucked it hurt to watch he sensed minato and the others coming in and opened his eyes and looked at them " I'm not talking " was all he said then closed his eyes he'd rather watch those movies with very than talk to minato menma and kushina he was fine with sasuke but not them he looked back and saw the others from his class coming in when the news got to them which was pretty fast they came in and sasuke said "how did you get so strong " "none of your business " said Naruto "your that guy that cleared the jeju island and the other's aren't you " Naruto stayed quiet beru walked in and said "it's done my lord " " is the movie done or the mission I gave you " said Naruto beru was sweating bullets he instantly got on his knees and said " forgiveness your majesty have mercy " " get up I'm not mad about you slacking  off I'm mad about your choice of movie seriously what kind of movie's do you watch it hurt me to even watch half of it "beru said nothing " just go check up on igris and the others the those idiots probably destroyed something by now " and beru left without a word " is that the ant that killed all this S and A ranks ? "  Naruto said nothing againg the doctor walked in and went straight to Naruto since he was the one that brought her in the doctor started to talk " she's fine she need rest her chakra's depleted and she has a few bruises  she can leave tomorrow if she's fine and you can visit her she's awake " Naruto got up and nodded to the doctor as a thanks he started to walk to her room with the others behind him . I'll leave it there peace ✌️ I wrote this in the buss to home so I couldn't change the font for when a shadow is speaking or anything else alike

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