+ chapter six +

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Project X

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© 2015 Luna Black


Warning: This first bit here, is a bit graphic. As in, she's explaining her period. I'm a girl, dude, kay? So I can write this crap and not feel weird. It's part of human nature. I find it stupid not to explain everything we do. We poop, we pee, we cry, we eat, we throw up and the list goes on. If you're too disgusted to read it, just skim over it. And to those of you who will tell me that periods don't work this way; periods are different for each girl. I made Alexa's like mine; suffer, bitch.

She thought she was going to die. The pain in her stomach was going to kill her. And she hadn't even said goodbye to her mother.

Alexa sobbed, holding unto her stomach and looked down at her thighs. They were covered in sticky tears and red, elbow marks. She had been sitting on the toilet for almost half an hour. The first ten minutes she spent cleansing her bowels and the last twenty she sobbed over cramps.

She couldn't move from her position because she was sure she would die. Her cramps were usually enough to make her cry, but what she felt at that very moment must've been karma. If having kids would make her feel worse during labour, she'd probably pass out.

After taking a deep breath and wiping as much as she could of herself clean, she flushed the toilet and ran into the shower. She felt disgusting and the hot water somehow relieved the pain.

Mother Nature was punishing for being such a brat towards Xander and breaking the picture of Corah. It was the only logical explanation.

She grimaced at the mix of blood and water swirling down the drain and almost passed out when a blood clot slid down her legs. It didn't even look like a blood clot; it felt like her intestines were crawling down her uterus.

Alexa got down on her knees, groaning and whimpering as the pressure in her uterus began to intensify and she swore she saw white dots dancing in her line of vision. The hot water poured down on her, washing away the fluids and she sighed once the cramps slowly relieved. If she could, she'd spend the entire day in the shower.

Her flow wasn't heavy, but the cramps were enough to make anyone want to rip their ovaries out. And at that moment, it sounded tempting.

She closed the faucet, quickly drying herself and grabbed a pad. The tampon seemed to make it worst for her at that moment. The pressure of it inside of her and the cramps seemed to clash like the titans.

"I can do this," she whispered to herself, using the sink as her support as she held the toothbrush in one hand and her stomach with the other. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of blood mixed with her excrement and sprayed some freshener to not suffocate herself.

After she was done, she closed the door behind her and breathed out. "I died in there, my goodness."

Her stomach growled in hunger and she glared down at it. "Oh shut it, whatever I eat, you poop out an hour later. It's your fault you're empty." She widened her eyes, realising that she was talking to her stomach and sighed. She needed company.

Alexa walked out towards the kitchen, holding her stomach as if it were fragile and looked into the fridge for something. "What do you want?" She looked down at her stomach, sighing once the cramps began to prickle her again. "I didn't ask you what you wanted," she whimpered.

Xander frowned at her, entering the kitchen and placed his bag on the floor. "Who are you speaking to?"

"My tummy," she whimpered, sounding like a child.

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