Chapter 58.2 - Tastes Like Mint

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Most of the teenagers in the Internet cafe on a Saturday night had paid to play for the whole night. It was only around ten o'clock now, so they quietly sat down to wait and played with their cell phones.

Ma Xiaoding turned on the flashlight on his cell phone. "I was just about to snark at that Green Grass."

Spiky Hair turned his chair around, "Green Grass? They were called Young Green Vines, right?"

Ma Xiaoding: "It's pretty much the same, pretty much the same."

Ma Xiaoding suddenly flipped the flashlight on his cell phone around and placed it under his chin. His entire face was dark, and he stretched out his words as he made himself look like a ghost, "Scared~ or~ not~?"

Spiky Hair was speechless, "Who can you scare with that?"

Ma Xiaoding: "Aiya, this blackout is so boring. Everyone, turn this way. Let's tell ghost stories together. Back then, I was the story king of our class. If I can't scare you guys, then my surname isn't Ma."

Song Yu wasn't afraid of anything except dogs and heights. He scoffed when he heard Ma Xiaoding's suggestion.

His disdainful tone was particularly clear in the dark.

Ma Xiaoding felt offended. He huffed and wanted to go for it, "Brother Yu! Come on! I have a ghost story just for you!"

Song Yu laughed carelessly, "Okay."

They turned their chairs around.

They were located in a corner. Xie Sui was against the wall, and there was a window above them. Several cell phone flashlights gathered together, casting long, dark shadows on the wall.

Ma Xiaoding spoke in a creepy tone, "Did you guys know? In fact, people have died in this Internet cafe on Linqing Street before, and many of them died suddenly. There's one very strange case where a young girl who ran to the Internet cafe committed suicide because she felt too much pressure. I heard that she was a very gloomy and dark girl."

"The Internet cafe's owner only discovered her death the next day when he came in. He found her lying on the table with her hair spread out, and once he touched her, he found that she was no longer breathing. But her eyes were still open and were a blue-gray color, and her pupils had contracted into small dots."

"The owner of the Internet cafe felt that this was inauspicious, so he called people over to exorcise evil spirits. As a result, an old Taoist came in, but he was scared away. He said that the girl's resentment hadn't dissipated with her death and had transformed her into a demon who lives here. Her eyes are evil things, so if you see her in the Internet cafe in the middle of the night, don't disturb her or make a sound. If she looks at you, you're done for. Her eyes are cursed, and she'll follow you for a lifetime—follow you out of the Internet cafe to your home, and no matter what you do, she'll watch you until she kills you off."

"Brother Yu," Ma Xiaoding abruptly approached and mysteriously said, "It seems like the computer she committed suicide at—it's the one you're at!" He raised his voice suddenly towards the end!

"......" Song Yu stared at him.

Ma Xiaoding was embarrassed for a moment but recovered and continued, "Do you feel like your shoulders are a lot heavier when you sit at this spot?"

Song Yu's gaze was indifferent. He sneered, "Not really."

Ma Xiaoding: "......"

Spiky Hair rubbed his arms, "Forget it, don't talk about this anymore. It's making goosebumps appear all over my body."

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