Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. Which made me frown. Until I smelled the bacon. That smell always perks me right up. I hopped out of bed and put on one of Derek's old t shirts before scampering out to the kitchen. I found him shirtless in our small kitchen with white cabinets, grey countertops and an island big enough to seat three. I sat down in one of our stools to watch him work.

"Good morning, sweet girl." He says as he hands me a cup of coffee.

"You spoil me so." I say wistfully as he loads bacon, eggs and hashbrowns on a plate for me.

"I know how hard you can take days like yesterday. I don't want you falling into a low point. Do you need me to stay home today?"

When I was in college I was diagnosed with depression after my parents were killed in a car accident. I kept thinking my melancholy state was due to the accident, but my therapist said I probably always had depressive tendencies and the accident just exacerbated my condition. Luckily, I found the right combination of meds, but I can still have depressive episodes when I have a particularly sad or stressful situation. Derek has only seen a couple of my depressive states, but he is always watching out for me. I was so lucky to find someone so willing to accept me the way I am.

"Thank you, baby, but I'll be alright. I have some errands to run today and I think a little retail therapy will do me some good." I give him a cheeky smile as he rolls his eyes. He knows retail therapy means I'm going to spend at least three hours at Target.

"OK well after you visit Dr. Target for your therapy session, could you hit the home improvement store on the way home? I can't find my flathead screwdriver kit anywhere and I want to put together that new night stand you bought."

I nod my agreement as he rounds the island and wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my neck before nuzzling his stubble on my cheek, causing me to break out into giggles while trying to push him away.

"I have to get to work. I love you." He leans down to peck my lips and grabs his travel coffee mug off the counter.

"Love you, too!" I shout as he closes the door behind him.

I clean the house up a little before showering. I take a few moments just to sit in my empty house, enjoying the silence. At the hospital there is constant noise. Alarms going off, machines beeping, call lights blaring and over head announcements. It can be overwhelming so I always make sure to take some time to bask in the peace that quiet can bring.

After I dress I get in my car and head to my favorite little coffee shop to get my iced coffee. Sure I already had some, but I'm a creature of habit and no Target run is complete without an iced coffee. I made my way to the store and started my ritual.

I circle the store three times. The first time I look at the departments with things I definitely don't need. Electronics, kitchen ware and decor. The second trip is things I could potentially need. Clothes, shoes, beauty and cleaning supplies. The last lap is things I definitely need like pharmacy and grocery. After I check out and try to mentally calculate how I spent $200 when I'm fairly certain there was only $50 worth of stuff in my cart, I remember the stop I promised Derek I would make.

It takes some effort to find the home improvement store, since I rarely go there. I don't even bother trying to meander the store until I can find the screwdrivers I need. I find a kind looking teenage boy who brings me to the correct section and I find the largest set that I can. Surely the size he needs has to be in here somewhere. I get distracted on my way out looking at patio furniture. I could use a cozy chair outside to read on. My phone dings and I check it. I had sent a picture of the set to Derek to make sure it would work.

'Perfect! Thanks babe!' Is his response. I smile, proud of myself and head to the check out.

I whisper 'I'll be back for you' to my future chair as I plan in my mind how to get Derek to agree to the expensive purchase. Perhaps I could use some of my best assets. Like my ass. I giggle at the thought and head to my car. Distracted by my thoughts, I go down the wrong aisle in the parking lot.

As I turn to go a row over a large man catches my eye. He's incredibly tall and fit. His muscles are nearly tearing through the grey v neck t shirt he's wearing. He has dark brown hair and bright green eyes. My eyes travel further down to his chiseled jaw line and dazzling smile that he's flashing me. He made an abrupt stop on his way into the store and is coming directly toward me. I search my brain, trying to decide if I know him from somewhere. Maybe a past patient or patient's son. He looks in his mid 20's and is gorgeous. I continue my visual assault to the tan skin on his arms that have a generous spattering of hair. Black workout shorts and tennis shoes complete his look and I travel back up to meet his gaze. He's still walking towards me briskly and I realize he isn't familiar. I'm sure I would remember meeting a man that is as fine a specimen as him. I need to go to whatever gym he frequents because the results cannot be denied. I furrow my brow in confusion as he stops in his tracks about three feet from me. He looks me up and down and scowls at me. I'm about to ask him what his problem is when he mutters "Ah, fuck!" Under his breath. He closes the distance between us and grabs my forearm tightly, but not enough to cause pain as he pulls me through the parking lot with him.

"Come on let's go." He says and it takes me a moment to realize what he's said. I'm so busy focusing on his voice. It's deep and luscious and makes me shiver. Until the reality of the situation crashes down on me and I panic.

"What are you doing?! Let me go!" I yell at him as he continues to haul ass in between cars. He unlocks a large black SUV and I come to the conclusion he means to kidnap me. I take a deep breath to scream before he turns on me and I run into his chest. He leans down and whispers in me ear.

"Scream and I will be forced to hurt you."

I decide to do as he says and not scream but that doesn't mean I'll give up so easily. I continue to try and yank my arm free, but his grip never loosens. I hit him with my other hand and hear him grunt in annoyance.

"Stop. Please just let me go. I won't tell anyone I promise." He rolls his eyes as he picks me up and sits in the driver's seat with me on his lap. He starts the engine and drives away before moving me to the passenger seat. My heart is pounding and my breathing is coming in rapid spurts.

"Please! Just let me go!" I cry and try to open the door. He reaches across me and slams it shut.

"Put on your seatbelt." He says coldly while not taking his eyes off of the road."

"No! Let me go!" I scream and start hitting him.

"STOP IT!" He roars at me, making the entire car shake.

All semblance of composure has left me at this point and I begin to sob. Heavy, ugly sobs. The man sighs and reaches over to me and I flinch away. He grabs my seat belt and clicks it for me as I continue to cry.

"What are you going to do to me?" I slur in between sobs.

"Relax I'm not going to hurt you." He says, still not making eye contact with me.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's what Ted Bundy told all of the girls he abducted, raped and murdered." I see his jaw clench and his knuckles turn white as he tightens his grip on the steering wheel.

"I'm not going to hurt you. " he says more forcefully with a touch of annoyance.

"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" I scream at him.

All he does is shrug and continue to drive in silence.

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