|An Ode to the Planets|

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For even celestial beings need to be remembered

i.To Mercury-

You burn quietly, silent, brushed off, your smiles are ice, your eyes are rueful, maybe if you didn't hide behind venus, you'd be a star. I see you shine sometimes, see you at twilight, and if you let those flames of yours burn a little brighter, i think you'd be silver instead of grey. I want to see you run hot, run cold, lose control, but you're a well of secrets tucked inside a restrained smile. No one knows. They never will.

ii. To Venus-

You shine. The evening star, the morning star, you're ethereal, aren't you? The loveliest deity in the pantheon, and yet. Yet do they know what burns in those lovely eyes? Have they seen the what hell you've wrought upon yourself? Earth's twin they called you, but your life faded away years ago. You're a broken legend, darling you're a myth that's nothing more than an adorned story- don't look too close, you beg. don't see the dead song my body whispers. Hell.that's what you think you are, hell that smiles like heaven. Don't forget your diamonds.

iii. To Earth-

Your hands are gentle, you cradle flowers in your hands, you heal my wounds and you turn gold in sunlight. Tell me what your wind sings. Tell me if it holds the echoes of everything Venus could have been. Will you hold my broken wings with your tender fingers? You're an object of envy, a last hope. Your eyes are still filled with dreams, your feet leave petals in their wake, you're alive, you're alive like no other.

iv. To Mars-

You're fire, darling, if Earth is Venus' twin, you're her mirror. Is that red pm your cheek from the blood you've spilt? You wage war and you want more and you have bruised knuckles, I've seen them graze Venus's cheek when you think no one's looking. But i know, you fight because no one else will. You will burn because no one will. Because Venus buns too much. You are devastation. I think I like it.

v. To Jupiter-

King of the Gods, they say. So close to being a star yet so far away. you hate it. I was born under the stars, did you know? Storms in your heart, storm in your eyes, three hundred years, you'll rage for three hundred more. Your rings,(did you think i wouldn't notice?) one of them is transparent, isn't it? Zeus stop hiding, Hera breaks away from you even now. I know the ring is to her. I know you fade from her heart. You could have been a star, a star, if only you let the storm ease. You can't shine when you're submerged in darkness.

vi. To Saturn-

Your eyes are distant, your hands are cold, adorned with gold rings, like me, i think. Rings worn for every heart we broke. Rings for every kiss. You run, run, run the second you feel the rising in your chest, you're cold as diamonds but you're brittle as shards of glass. Maybe you weren't fluttering wings in a gilded cage, in the trap of all your rings, all those shattered hearts, you could have been beautiful. But all you do, all you do is run.

vii. To Uranus-

Lord of the sky, a real king aren't you? You're encased in ice and your thirteen rings are for the thirteen times you were unlucky in love, you're twenty-one years of day, which one is the truth? Dual faces, which one is the real one? Choose. Midnight smirks or sunlight smiles, tell me why your justice feels like everytime you fell in love. Everytime you fell out of it. You hold your heart close, hidden in your sleeve, but it slips out far too easily. Breakable. Shattered.

viii. To Neptune-

The prodigal son, the wanderer, you're blue, blue blue, and shipwrecks kiss your skin for for every secret ring you give away. Can you see your heart in  your fingers, dim as light when you turn, blue as your soft smile? You've never felt the sunlight on your cheek but you know what a kiss feels like. You figure it's much the same. You sail the ship, and you run as far as you can from everyone, but your hands are still warm. They're still warm.

ix. To Pluto-

Are you surprised? Did you think I'd forget like everyone else has? You've been the heart of so many controversies, been the heart of changing history and lost loves, but you never wanted any of it. You were named after the God of death, and I wonder if they knew, even back then, if they knew that you'd be abandoned. That you'd die because Gods are only immortal if they're worshipped. You laid down flowers for persephone with such hope in your eyes, with such love in your heart, you don't want to be no one. You want to be someone's. You want to be called mine. If you smile that sad smile, maybe I will.

// tell me who you are

tell me which planet sits idly on the roses of your tongue

tag your friend in front of the planet they remind you of,

so that they know no matter what, they'll always have a place in your solar system<3

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