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Your POV:

"No, both that game! oh god it's Christmas!" I say as Isaak and my bsf set up the things we need for truth or dare (our version) plus some updates we've developed in college. "Okay so basically the rules are like this it's truth or dare with a twist if you decline a dare or we don't think your answer to a truth is not juicy enough you drink. Everyone got it?" We all nod then begin.

I go fist and dare my bsf to take two shots to which she gladly did. Now it's her turn and she dares me to take a body shot off of Kaitlin. I agree and Kaitlin lays back allowing the liquor to be poured across her thigh. I smirk and shoot a wink her way she blushes and watches as I slowly stick my tongue out and lick up all the alcohol. I lick my lips as I sit back up she blushes and puts down her dress.

We take our turns until it's Billies turn to be asked by a devious Isaak "Billie are you playing?" She nods and says yes before taking a big sip of her wine. "YES! Finally" Billie chuckles "okay, Billie Dean Howard- Medium to the Stars truth...or dare?" Billie ponders for a moment before saying "dare" I fake a gasp to which Billie rolls her eyes. Isaak smirks "I dare you to eat a strawberry in the most sensual way possible" Billie smiles and quickly looks my way before Isaak returns with a single strawberry for her.

She takes it from his hands and peels off the stem. She then makes eye contact with me then proceeds to bite into the strawberry her lips wrapping around the fruit. Her tongue dipping into the hole she just made licking and sucking up the juices. I clench my thighs together feeling an excited pulsation beginning in my panties. Once she was finished she stuck two of her fingers into her mouth humming then letting them go with a pop shooting a quick wink at Isaak.

My jaw was probably on the floor by now I snap out of it and we proceed with the game "very well then NEXT!" Isaak says. Once it comes back to me my bsf asks me truth or dare and I pick truth simply because I've been choosing dares "what is your favorite complex sexual position?..." I scoff knowing this is easy peasy "when your strapped I know you y/n come on, oh! and please demonstrate on Kaitlin" I think before I giggle and turn to Kaitlin who immediately knows what I'm about to do.

I position myself between kaitlin's legs she giggles and covers her face. I smirk and grab one of her legs "complex?" I ask my bsf she nods her head and I continue. I place her leg over my shoulder then hover over her body. She wraps her arms around my neck. "Okay I like to call this little number right here 'The Minivan' so I start here right then..." I slowly start to stand up carrying Kaitlin with me "...I stand us up like this...grab her waist..." I grab Kaitlin's waist "...then from here I can do it like this and she can hold the wall or whatever..." I pick her up completely by holding her thighs "...into this. The minivan made for moving." I wink and ask "How's that for complex?" My bsf nods her head and takes a shot.

I place Kaitlin down and glance at Billie her bottom lip is tucked between her teeth. This goes on until it's kaitlins turn "Kaitlin truth or dare?" Billie asks her. I swallow not knowing what the hell is going to happen "truth" Kaitlin answers safely thank god with the look Billie is giving her I wouldn't be surprised if she made her drink a trash smoothie

"What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done?" Billie asks her quirking an eyebrow before taking a sip of wine. Kaitlin blushes before she answers "Uhm define kinky?" Billie looks taken aback then replies "whatever comes to mind" Kaitlin looks at me quickly before answering "blindfold, blood play, wax play, edging, restraints...I should stop" I giggle and whisper in her ear "you forgot ice play and vibrators" she shivers and bites her lip before nervously looking back to Billie.

Billie looks at me and I can't for the life of me wipe the wide smile off my face. Billie takes a shot seemingly thinking her answer was good enough and the game continues. Around 12am I decide it's time to go so we say our goodbyes and leave.

Billie POV:

It's my turn to ask Kaitlin and I really want to know what's the kinkiest thing she has done so I know what I'm up against. "blindfold, blood play, wax play, edging, restraints...I should stop" I'm shocked but watch as y/n whispers something in her ear making her shiver and bite her lip. I nod my head and take a shot.
I wonder what y/n told her. Was y/n the one doing all of these things to her? I mean most likely look at the proud smile on her face. My lame ass husband would never try any of those things out with me. Ughh

Y/n and her friends leave around 12am I follow them shortly after and can't help the thoughts I'm having if y/n doing all of those things to me. I did Google some of them as I was a little confused on what they mean and my god was I surprised and intrigued. I hate to say it but I'm a little jealous of Kaitlin. Who am I kidding I hate the little bitch.

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