Chapter 3

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Do you know that feeling when you really want to know something but don't want to ask? That's me right now

He said he'll explain and all I'm met with right now is silence

"Why do you have a gun?" I asked breaking the silence

"Saftey reasons" I snorted

"Safety reasons? Are you serious?"

"Yes I'm serious Riley"

"Well you said you'll explain nearly killing luke, so explain" I looked at him, he looked really handsome focusing on the road

Snap out if it Riley!

"You know I could give you a really good explanation but you're not ready for that so let's leave it here, I lost control on my anger after hearing you were going on a date" wow what a great explanation

"Why were you angry? Are you my brother? My father? My boyfriend? You have no right to be angry and far enough threaten to kill my date!" He's annoying me

"I can do whatever I want! I could go back right now and kill your beloved date" this man needs a therapist

"Xavier you seriously have anger issues" I sighed looking outside the window

"I have to go somewhere real so we're not going to your house now" he announced after sometime

Is he serious? I wanna go home, watch Netflix and eat my peanut butter and chocolate chips ice cream

"I don't care where you need to go I wanna go home or I'll call the police and tell them I got kidnapped"

"Oh yea? Well go ahead call the police" I heard him mumble something under his breath but I heard it "they won't do anything to me anyway" Weirdo

"If you're kidnapping me atleast buy me ice cream!"


We stayed silent for like 20 minutes and I was quite bored

"You're boring" I looked at him to see him roll his eyes

"Why thank you Riley"

"Where are we going?" He ignored me

"Xavier, xav, avier, king, Xavier"

"Shut up Riley"

I narrowed my eyes at him then looked out of my window

I looked at a TV in a store

Wait is that....

"DAD!!" I saw my dad on that screen

"Riley! Do you want to crash the car?stop yelling!" I really hate him he didn't let me enjoy the moment

"I saw my dad in a TV in a store behind" I smiled

"What was your father's work for him to be on the TV?" He asked

"He owned a big oil company"

"What happened to the company?"

"My cousin Aiden manages it and sends me my share of the money every month"

"Why didn't you continue living in New york if you have a cousin there?"

"Aiden's married and has kids I wouldn't wanna disturb them and invaid their privacy" I shrugged

"And we arrived" I looked out of the window

"Yeah we arrived at a nursery school?" I asked confused

"Yup" he got out of the car and came back a minute later

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