Damian's secret(3)

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Back in Gotham, the trio which consists of Dick, Jason and Tim were competing on who could hack into the most number of cameras in Paris. Until....... there were no more cameras left to hack. Tim as usual, won the competition. Sadly, Tim only ever wins competitions that are related to technology. 

Jason's and Dick's thoughts : Pathetic really


"Jeez.... No one cares we are all used to this. At least, we can beat you in sparring." Jason grumbled

"Which is, much more important." Dick completed

The two sore losers grumbled in annoyance.

Anyways, what are those three doing by trying to hack into all the security cameras in Paris? What are they trying to gain? Something obviously. You know how those three always try to find out more juicy gossip about Damian to blackmail him? Yeah. That's what those three are trying to do right now. Which is obviously extremely stupid. But...... they do not care about the consequences anymore.

To absolve himself of the sore losers anger at losing, Tim directed his attention towards the security cameras. Then, at the corner of his eye, he thought he saw a familiar figure, the dark blue hair, tanned skin and all, but with his arm around someone. Specifically, a girl with raven blue hair and a tiny figure. Tim turned his body towards the screen to get a better look at that particular footage.

"Wait...... Is that who I think it is?"

" Shut up Tim! Stop trying to direct our attention away from you!" Jason snapped

"No, I'm not kidding! Seriously. Look!" Tim pointed to the security footage.

"Jason just look. He might not be lying......" Dick said brightly

" Fine."

The duo turned to look at the footage.


In Paris, Damian had decided to bring Marinette to the annual Spring carnival to force her to take a break from all her stress. He wanted his angel to take a break from her designing and her extra unwelcomed stress that Lila and her sheep were giving her or putting on her. 

"Dami, let's take the ferris wheel! I really want to take that ride!"

" Sure, anything for you angel."

"Let's gooooooo!" Marinette exclaimed pulling on Damian's hand that was latched onto hers.

Damian smiled at Marinette's antics before he ran along with her.


Back to the trio in Gotham,

The three of them were  staring in shock at the footage before them, their mouths agape. Open wide in shock.

" That- that is Damian." Tim stuttered out in pure  shock.

The other two nodded dumbly beside him.

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