Chapter one

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Soul Secrets, chapter one: Welcome.


I hate that word.

They tried to do something, and that could've meant anything. They could've done it half assed; they might have tried.

The unfortunate car crash of my parents- the only people I loved in this world. The paramedics tried to revive them. I hung onto every string of hope within me, even when I knew deep down inside that there was nothing they could've done.

But there's always someone to blame, isn't there?

And that someone, is me.

There was terrible rain that night, everything was chaotic. But the excitement of my parents was nothing compared to my underlying uneasiness. They were excited to win this race and yet again, claim their title and the world's best street racers.

Yeah, they were pretty good, and I was learning too.

I told my parents not to do that street race, I had an uneasy feeling. But of course, they were set on winning that race for the prize since we needed that money. Yet, I couldn't shake that dreaded feeling within me.

Smiling, they got into their car, and so did the other contestants.

Everything was going fine. My parents were killing it, and I was cheering along proudly. Until a car took a corner too sharp and swerved into my parents' car which caused them to skid down the road at a seriously dangerous speed. The moment they hit the solid concrete with a massive bang, the fire sparked before they had a chance to escape.

Fire, debris, their agony filled screams and helpless sobbing, telling each other their last goodbye and I love you's.

I can still hear and see it, the screams, the burnt bodies.

If it hadn't been raining that car hadn't skidded, if I had stopped them my parents would still be alive. If it wasn't for me, if I had tried hard enough. There's the word again, tried.

My try was half assed, like any other person's.

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