Chapter 2

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Elizabeth's POV

When I say that I am happy that Edward is back, I MEAN I am happy, not only did our whole family miss him greatly but Isabella was a particularly nosey mortal and it was quite annoying. She was always looking over for our brother. Ugh, so she was watching our family like hawk. But anyways enough complaining (Ps. sorry Eddie for you having to listen to me ramble on) I sent him a shy smile which he returned with an even wider smile and a nod silently saying 'it's okay.

Edward has just gone into his Bio class leaving Jasper to go to Physics and my gorgeous wife and I to go to History, we walk hand in hand through the class into the back corner ignoring everyone around us. We were whispering sweet little nothings in each other ears whilst listening to the teacher talk about the civil war. "Okay, the civil war took place in our very own America how many deaths was there in this war, Miss Alice Cullen?"

I knew that Alice didn't want to answer the question so I swallowed any fears I had and spoke up before she could, "622,896 soldiers died however many citizens died as well." Alice looked over at me with a warm smile whilst the other students in the class were shocked to hear my voice and probably shocked that I have a British accent, Sir gave me a pointed look and continued "That's correct however there were no civilian deaths during this time due to the war-"
"Actually there was 562 sir. A lot of soldiers fired at tribes and at towns. The books are all in the library if you would like to brush up on your knowledge. Mr Clarkeson." I leaned into Alice's side as the teacher continued with the lesson.

I was sketching on my paper when I heard the teacher asking when WW2 ended, no one knew the answer so he had to say it himself.

Alice and I were talking about a new dress she had gotten and I was again just listening to her talk so passionately about such a minor thing. "Miss Alice Cullen?Pearl harbour?" I could tell she was embarrassed not only by the change in her emotions but also by the way she shrunk down in her seat. "December 7th, 1941." My voice yet again spoke up to help defend my beautiful wife.

"Thank you, Alice" The class around us let out soft chuckles which made me tense up, however as soon as Alice leaned onto my stone side I relaxed back into the state I was in before. I sent the teacher a smirk before answering"No problem."
Mr Clarkeson let out a scoff looking around the room then back at me. "Fall of the Berlin wall?"

"1989, I'm good with dates Sir."

" Are you? How good? Keep it to the year." I sent him a nod signalling for him to continue,
"Civil rights act."
"JFK assassination"
"Martin Luther King JR."
"Roe VS Wade"
"Brown VS Board"
"Battle of Gettysburg"
"Korean war"
"1950 to 1953"
"Ha it ended in 52"
"Actually sir it was 53"

"Look it up. Quickly!" I smiled triumphantly knowing that I was correct, when a random student confirmed it my face was plastered with a sly grin.

I stood up hand in hand with Alice pulling her out of the room just as the bell rang.

I quickly sped outside into the forest the feeling of hunger overtaking me. All I could think about is the blood running through the hundreds of teenagers veins. All I could feel is everyone's hunger.

I was so stuck in my thoughts of trying not to go and kill all of the people in that school that I didn't even register my wife trying to talk to me, I was only pulled out of my hungered gaze when she pulled me into her loving embrace.

"Hey Liz, it's okay you won't hurt them. You're okay, I'm here, it's okay. Yeah?" I nodded my head pulling away from the hold she had on me. I gave her a soft kiss and sent a calming wave over her to stop her from worrying. "Thank you, Love. Let's go."

We walked into the canteen just a bit after our siblings to see them all sitting there with no emotion and no words being exchanged between them, only Isabella staring at our table like she had every day that Edward wasn't in school. Alice rolled her eyes as we both sat down at the table, she immediately began to talk about art class.


Emmett let out a booming laugh as Edward told us about his rubbish excuse as to why his eyes were darker. I wasn't really listening to whatever they were talking about I was just there, you know? Anyway, I was pulled out of my daze when I heard a loud screech of tires and before anyone could even react Edward was across the carpark with an arm around Isabella and his hand in the side of the truck in front of the two.

If it wasn't for the fact that both the diver of the truck and Isabella were bleeding and all I could think about was ripping their heads from their torso, I would have been pissed that Edward had possibly just outed our vampirism to half of the town. Jasper and I were both pulled back into each others car when we tried to run the blood source.

Once we were far enough away from the unbearable smell of the two victims blood, Jasper made his way home however Alice and I drove to the hospital to see our father.


AN: Hey this chapter is quite short so I'm sorry. Also, I'm sorry for the long update but hopefully, I'll be writing more due to having no more exams. 🎉🎉 Also please Vote to help boost the story. :) I' sorry if there is any spelling mistakes i'll edit them if you can please just correct me :)

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