❥ 2. Smultronställe

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Smultronställe (noun)

A special place discovered for solace and relaxation.


✧6 Months Later

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✧6 Months Later.✧

//San Francisco, California

ACME meant the highest point, the tip of the pyramid, standing solely and alone. Looking down at its competitors, threats, and all those who envy the glory. It means surpassing the clouds, reaching the sky, and growing every second, Like the drawing of Esther's stairs which keeps on ascending more and more, endlessly in the sky. It was ACME - RV Malik's Soul. It was meant to rise. No matter what sacrifice at every step was to be made, the goal was to climb higher and higher.

He knew this business world like the back of his hand. There is no friend, no family but Enemies. Trust was not the virtue to be followed, The moment you turn around and anyone can stab you, the person who you consider your ally can turn out to be your Arch enemy. None was boon but a masked curse, No crony but deceit. There are always people ready to pull you down. Your enemies are like moving Targets, you shoot one, and five more appear. You shoot them all and another set rises. They wait for you to miss a step and they'll pull you down or if you walk straight, not looking down they are ready with their stretched leg to make to trip. One has to have his eyes almost everywhere, just two weren't enough nor 8 is when the threats lie in the corner, away from sight and ready to strike.

The glass wall showed him the entire city, the clouds fell beneath him, yet away from touch. The buildings stood proudly and magnificent in size all shrinking into toy blocks, sighting to be a part of animated movies. The cars looked like small balls rolling around and Humans, smaller than Ant. He stood at the top, looking down at them all. He was a king of this empire, The strongest on the battlefield of business. He was ready to slay his enemies, mercy nowhere near his heart.

His hand moved to his pant pocket, the cuboid evident through the fabric. He fished it out and flicked the lid. The sticks waited for him to choose and lit the tip to give out the tobacco aromatic smoke.

His silver lighter did the job and his lips sucked in the toxin. His lungs released the smoke that waved up in front, fading in the air. His eyes bored into the sky, the sun sinking beneath the skyline touching the coastline of San Francisco. It cast an orange hue. The yellow rays faded every second with his cigarette.

He tossed the residual to the ashtray and took the box to pull another one when his office door burst open and he clenched his jaw.

"What are you playing at, Rajveer?" Bennett Malik accused, striding inside, raging like a bull, ready to charge.

"Go back, knock, and come only when permitted." RV instructed without looking back, he glanced back to see his cousin still standing there, his fists clenched.

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