Chapter One

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Peter stared at the Avenger's Compound out the window of Happy Hogan's car. It felt like it had been an eternity since he had seen the Avenger's sign when in reality, it had barely been a year. Peter had waited for nearly the entire time to get a call back from Tony Stark, but, in all honesty, he hated how he had finally met his idol again.

"Peter, how come you didn't tell me?" Tony had come to check on Spiderman for the first time in ages. He used an excuse of him being there on "Avenger's Database Duty" but he had mostly stopped by because Happy told him that his phone had suddenly stopped being blown up by the kid.

"You didn't answer before," Peter said quietly as he sat on the couch with his head hung, "so why would Aunt May's death make it any different?"

"You do not have to go through something like this alone," Tony told Peter as he walked over to the couch. Peter glanced up at him before he sighed and rubbed at his already raw eyes. "Come to the compound," Tony said, and Peter's head shot up toward Tony.

"What?" Peter asked. Tony simply nodded his head like he had decided. "Mr. Stark?"

"How long do you have in the apartment? A couple of weeks, a month?" Peter stared at him in disbelief. When he showed no sign of giving up, Peter sighed and turned away.

"A week," Peter mumbled out. Tony sat beside the kid and leaned closer.

"Say again? You can't mumble and expect me to be able to hear it," Tony Stark sassed Peter.

"A week," Peter groaned out. "I have a week until I'm homeless, Mr. Stark. Does that make you feel better?" Peter was agitated. He just wanted Aunt May back and for everything to go back to normal.

"Then it's settled," Tony said without consulting Peter. "By the end of this week, your ass will be sleeping in luxury at the Avenger's Compound." He said nothing else as he stood again, and Peter watched the man as he walked to the kitchen counter. "I'll have Happy settle the details with you."

Peter watched as Tony Stark left Aunt May's apartment, and he sighed once the man did. Peter grabbed a picture of Aunt May and Uncle Ben from the table closest to the window. He stared at it before he hugged the frame to his chest and curled up on the couch.

Happy pulled the door open and snapped Peter back to reality. Peter grabbed at his satchel bag before he climbed out of the car, and his eyes went to Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson on the front steps.

They were caught up in a conversation, and neither of them noticed Peter and Happy. So, Peter looked away and followed Happy to the trunk. Happy started to grab Peter's suitcase but Peter reached out first.

"I got it," Peter told Happy. He felt awful. Happy had to deal with his messages and phone calls for nearly a year and now Happy had to cater to Peter. "Thank you, though."

Happy smiled and nodded, shutting the trunk once the suitcase was free. "Come on, everyone's waiting," Happy instructed and led the boy inside.

Peter glanced at Steve and Sam as they got closer again, and he realized both of their eyes were on him now. Although, the smiles on their lips made Peter relax slightly.

"Welcome, Parker," Sam said as he glanced at Steve then followed Happy and Peter. The two men got on either sides of Peter. "Tony said that you would be coming soon, but I didn't think he meant this soon."

Peter's chest constricted. He had left his apartment with almost half the week still left, but he knew that he could no longer stay by himself and school was no better. Peter loved Ned, but Ned had become a bit motherly to Peter since Aunt May's passing. Peter didn't feel like hearing Ned ask him how he felt that day was a healthy social life.

"I just thought that it would be easier to move in sooner rather than later," Peter semi-lied as he tried to contain his emotions. Steve and Sam nodded in understanding.

As they walked into the compound, Peter nearly regretted his decision. A banner hung from the ceiling that read, "Welcome to the compound, Parker!" The main room was filled with reporters and cameras flashing, and Peter was sure that he could distinctively hear Pepper and Tony trying to calm the crowd.

"Wanda put that banner up at the beginning of the week," Steve told Peter, but Peter's head hurt. He tried to look away from the crowd, but his mind replayed the image and he could still hear all of the noise. "Hey, kid, are you okay?"

"I-," he stammered himself and he tried to think of the right words, but his mind stalled, "Is there -- uh, is there a quiet room?" He squeaked out, and he could feel Happy, Sam, and Steve's eyes on him. He wanted to explain, but no other words escaped him.

"Yeah," Steve simply answered before he tapped Sam's shoulder and motioned toward the room filled with reporters. Sam nodded and headed toward the room. Steve grabbed Peter's shoulder and began walking.

Peter resisted the urge to push him away, to tell him not to touch him. He was extremely uncomfortable and his mental state didn't help the fact. Instead, Peter twisted his shirt in his hands, trying to get the feeling of clothing off of his skin even though he couldn't just undress.

"Here," Steve said after what seemed like an eternity to Peter. "Happy, will you take his bags to his room, please?" Happy simply nodded his head and grabbed the suitcase, but Peter gripped onto the strap of his satchel. Happy didn't want to fight him for the bag.

Peter immediately walked to the furthest corner and let himself drop in it. He clawed at his shirt before he pushed the bag off. Steve stared at the kid, his eyes wide and filled with confusion. Peter just pushed his forehead into his knees, closed his eyes, and covered his ears.

"Peter?" Steve looked at the doorway as Pepper came in. He expected Sam to get Tony since the man seemed to have an unexplainable bond with the kid, but Pepper seemed to know what to do as she walked over and crouched in front of Peter. "Peter, do you have headphones with you?"

Peter nodded his head and grabbed for the satchel, but Pepper told him that she had it. He dropped his hand, and Pepper pulled the wireless headphones out, placing them over Peter's ears. "Can I see your phone?"

Peter hesitated before he handed it to her, and Steve watched as Pepper smiled. Pepper went straight to YouTube, making sure the volume wasn't too loud before she went to Peter's classical playlist. Peter almost immediately grabbed for the phone.

Pepper stood to her feet and Steve switched his gaze between her and Peter. Although, Peter remained in the floor, hunched over with his hands still grabbing at his shirt.

"What was that?" Steve asked Pepper before she could leave the room, and Pepper glanced back at Peter.

"Sensory overload," Pepper told him before she beckoned him out. "Peter was diagnosed as a kid, and his powers only enhanced his senses. It's kind of impressive that this is only the second time I've seen it effect him."

"How did you know to get headphones?" Steve asked, and Pepper laughed sharply. "I feel as if I just offended you."

"It is my duty to know the details of Tony and all of his endeavors, Steve," Pepper vaguely explained before she headed back to the room full of reporters. "I'm going to try to get this crowd out of here, can you get Vision and Wanda to make something for Peter. I'm sure the kid hasn't eaten today. Happy's been with him all morning." Steve nodded his head, and Sam reappeared as Pepper disappeared.

"You do not want to go in there," Sam told Steve before he laughed. Steve forced a laugh in return.

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