14. Danger to his wife. Blood shall be spilled mercilessly!

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Then Molly said ",Mama". Her eyes drowsy. "I miss him a lot". Tears clouded her already drowsy eyes. "I know".Emily nodded. "I love him". Molly's brows frowned as though in pain and in peril."I know,my sweet". She said. ",Can you sleep here?". Molly asked. "Okay". Emily said putting the bowl aside and getting into the blankets with Molly. She placed Molly on her chest and kissed her forehead ,and patted her hair. She slept after a while with Molly in her arms. Johan came to Check on Emily only to see them asleep. He smiled a little. Going forward ,he kissed both their foreheads. Conscious of the bump. He carresed the baby bump through the clothes. The covering the up to their necks ,he reduced the lamp to a dull flicker,took the bowl and closed the door. Placed the bowl in the kitchen ,he went to his grandson's room. He saw the two boys . Logan with an unrestrained sleeping manner with his hands behind his head ,his hair framing his face. He looked heroic indeed. Hugh on the other hand with the perfect posture . Sleeping flat in the bed ,facing upwards. With his hands on either side of him. He smiled and went to bed .

In the morning ,they reached the kitchen to find Molly awake and in high spirits. She had even made breakfast. A sweet fragrance wafted to their noses that they watered. With mint tea. "Morning". She sang. She was wearing a Fluttering dress that was so soft to touch. It made her delicate and soft. Outlining her baby bump beautifully. "Sit ,sit".she called out and asked them to sit. She dished out the food and tea. "Ow wow,is thus Asian?". They ask. She nodded."Mr Strauss made me this breakfast everyday as long as I can remember. The substitute would be soya dumplings. Mine cannot possibly match his but it is edible". She said sitting down opposite Hugh to eat. Her sit had a cushion.

"Why do you sit on a cushion?".asked Logan in a bid to tease her. She just tilted her nose and said ",Mr Strauss is awfully tall ,even when sitting. So to achieve at least some equality he placed the cushion here when I complained about his height. Always towering over me. He even towers over mom ,and mom is pretty tall."she said . They nodded. Everything she said had Mr Strauss in it.

After breakfast ,and bathing they had to leave ,but they asked her were the outhouse was . She blushed ",Actually ,I have never been to our outhouse. Mr Strauss always empties the chamber pot. He never let me go there,no even to relive myself ".she looked down ,blushing heavily. They raised their brows. Such a level of doting. She held her chamber pot as she led them to the outhouse. She was afraid ,she thought it was scary or would collapse. Opening the door fast she saw the clean toilet with a spider web at the top ,but it is clean. The floor steady and the seat clean. "Huh". She frowned. She emptied the chamber and stepped out. "There is nothing wrong with it. "she shrugged. And copied Mr Strauss and cleansed it and then let it on the log to dry. They followed her example.

Then getting on the wagon they headed home around noon.

Dariah was anxious ,looking at the sweating Joel. She couldn't understand. Mr King cane into the room ,"The doctor has arrived". He said this leading a tall man with spectacles and pepper cropped hair. He was lanky with a briefcase. He rushed seeing the patient. He was surprised getting a letter from the Armstrong's saying they need his help to cure their grandchild in law. He rushed caused they even paid him a hefty sum. Seeing the person he was surprised even more. "Move aside".he said touching Joel's head and ribs. He asked Dariah to update him. He checked him according to what she said . He frowned a bit.

"What is it?". Anxiously Dariah asked. The doctor sighed ",His injuries are all healed. If only you wait a while for him. " then he said knocking Joel's knees . Joel's brow furrowed a bit. The doctor nodded then said ",Prepare this tonic . It will rouse him faster and give him energy he needs to wake up." Daraih and Mr King rejoiced. After preparing the tonic ,they fed it to Joel. Who furrowed his brows further at the bitter taste. He felt warm ,too warm. He broke out into a sweat. The doctor said",He will wake up ,maybe in a day or two."the doctor said . It was good news regardless. The doctor gave them more medicines and said he was leaving.They should call us regular doctor when he awakens. They could see a change in Joel. His pale face was flushed pink."Mol..Lu". Joel gasped. The doctor blushed. "Who is Molly?". He asked. Daraih said ",My daughter. His wife".

The doctor nodded ",It is better if she came and accompany him. He will awaken faster."

"Molly". Joel called again ,his hand clenching. He was seeing Molly ,tied to a tree. Crying ,bleeding. The child dead."Molly".he shock his head. The doctor frowned ",Jt must be a hallucination or worst case scenario ,he is having a nightmare concerning his wife. She should get here fast so as to console him." Joel was feeling unreconciled. Something must have happened to her.

Meanwhile in the wagon,Molly was seated with her grandparents when suddenly hooves were heard. The horses surrounded their wagon as Logan pulled to a stop. "Can we help you?". He asked.

"Yes. You could give us all the money you have and we will be on our way. Even this pretty wagon."the leader said. "No way. I can give you money but not the wagon,we need it to transport the elderly. It is not mine". Logan said . Hugh looked at them with intelligent eyes. Molly who was seated near the entrance suddenly was clutched from behind. "What pretty hair". He sneered. Hearing that Molly screamed. Moving back. The guy caught her leg" ,Hey boss ,we have a pretty screamer here". Emily and Johan grew scared. "No please. I can give you all the money you need. Leave my grandchild alone please". Johan asked. The guy took out Molly roughly. Molly clutched her belly in pain. Emily and Johan got out fast. They rounded all of them towards the front f the wagon. The guy watching Molly ,whose hair was clutched painfully. She was clutching her belly.

The leader looked at her belly. He smiled ",I have never had a pregnant woman before. Word says they are a delight".

"No please".Emily pleaded."Leave my granddaughter alone please. I am Lady Armstrong, I will give you all the money you need."

The man sneered",Take the money and the girl ." the leader did not compromise.

"No!". Logan fought ,he was hit in the head and had a bloody gush. Hugh for once looked angry and disgruntled. He hit one of the man on his nethers and ran. "You little-"the guy began to curse. "Let him go". The leader said. Seeing it was just a scared child. Hugh ran fast to the nearest household and reported ,then told them to go to town to fetch the lord. He ran towards home.Johan was bound as well as Logan who was bleeding . They took all the money and took off with Molly. Emily who was bound shed tears of sorrow seeing Molly who was screaming in protest.

Joel's heart beat fast. His belly churned. Something is wrong. His brows furrowed ",Molly!". He said a bit louder. Daraih wanted to wake him,but the doctor said ",Don't . You will scare him to shock". He sighed. Then as they stood in the kitchen ,they heard hurried footsteps. Opening the door they saw Hugh collapse on the door step. "Goodness Hugh". Dariah cried ,clutching him . Mr King brought water. Hugh gasped".They ...took....Molly. Robbers took Molly." then he fainted. Daraih collapsed in shock. The doctor checked Hugh. A few villagers came ,they heard from hugh who screamed what occurred. Then to their immense surprise ,Joel stood by the door. Everyone froze. He was shirtless ,he was only wearing a pair of brown cotton trousers. His hair let down his face and back. His eyes unfocused. He was leaning against the door. "Joel-".Mr King began,but Joel already went to Hugh and said ",Where is she ?".

"The forest towards your house". Hugh managed,through heavy breaths. Joel then barefooted as he was ,took a knife from one of the villagers and took off running. He nearly fell a couple of times ,but got his hang of it. And ran like the devil's on his tail."Follow him. He mustn't over exert himself!". The doctor shouted. Few man on horses ,followed. Others started marching towards the place.

While they sat bound ,they heard hurried footsteps. Then suddenly ,their bounds were sliced open . Looking up they saw a handsome man ,who looked too celestial to be human. He was holding a rather large butcher knife. He said seriously",Logan ,where did they go?". Logan was shocked ",Brother Joel-".he began. Joel said ",Logan where did they take my wife?". He asked. The grandparents realized it was their grand son in law. He was awake. Emily pointed towards the south. He then took off without a word. Running so fast he looked as though he was not touching the ground. His hair fluttering in the winds . "Is that-".Johan asked. "Yes. That is brother in law. Molly's husband."Logan said ,standing up ,then he said ",You Gus go home. I have to assist him".

"You are injured. I will go-". The old man said. Then they heard horses and people. Looking up they saw crowds of people. Mr King among them.

Author's note




love you all, aurriccah

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