Chapter 27 : The Royal Family

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Axel's Pov:

As I typed away on my laptop I couldn't help but feel giddy inside. I chuckled to myself and sighed dreamily.

Rolling my chair away from table I stretched and then did a weird unmanly squeal and swirled my chair.

I calmed down and exhaled before putting up my serious demeanor.

Whooo! Axel you have to stop acting like a kid.

After months of torturous sleepless nights and tiring days I finally had Nyx with me.

What took me by surprise was that he was already moving in back with me made me ecstatic.

He told me he'd forgive but it might be a long process. But the way we are it mayhe not as long as he says. I was glad and grateful to him that he even agreed to forgive which makes me think is he crazy or what?

How can he forgive someone who did ....... Something so........ Bad to him.
I sighed.

I was still, grateful to him.

He said he loved me ,he said he couldn't bare to stay apart from me and he was moving in so quick due to my safety issues too. We still were in different rooms though.

It irked me and I know it did to him too.
I know we're moving fast, way too fast.
But , but I don't think , I , have the courage to tell him that we're moving fast.

I could say it's selfish of me to do this but I couldn't help it.
Nyx never was in a relationship before and he doesn't know how it works, he thinks he's taking it slow but in reality it's really not slow, at all.

I can't tell him this and make him go far away from me or pull back or be awkward around me. It would kill me and I know it'd do the same to him as well. I dont know how to explain but I love him and I cant tell him to take things slow. I might regret it later but then again were different ,our case is different and maybe it's not bad afterall. He said the mate bonds world differently and it's what pulls us closer.

It may not bind us together but it's what pulls us together.

I might take his right to make a decision but I'm still selfish and I want all of his love and I don't want it in pieces. But still who am I to take this decision for him. But it's not like that too, I ask him for his content everytime ,even if we kiss and as long as he's ok, I'm ok.

Anyway the reason I'm in a good mood is because he told me today he was taking me on a date.

I cant believe my ears.

A date?


I don't mind , not one bit but a date?

He also told me before the date we would meet someone important.
I had no idea who it was but I was to be mentally and physically prepared he had said.

Today was the day and he was currently in the shower of his room and while I knew it'd take him a lot of time to get ready I decided to check some e-mails.
He was extremely secretive about the date and didn't utter a single word about where we were going.
All he did was tell me to dress in formal clothes.

As much as I wanted to join him in the shower, I didn't.
Knowing he needed some space and time I didnt want to force him into something.

We both were sexually frustrated no doubt ,but we needed healing. And if that meant we had to stay apart, I had to stay apart I'd do it.

I had enough work and now it was time for me to shower too.
I walked in the bathroom and it took me 20 minutes to get done.

By the time I got out , there was a simple nice black tuxedo picked out by him and I wore it without a second doubt.

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