Chapter 18...

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Song on side is 'Just so you know' by Jesse McCartney. (I use to have the biggest crush on him! He is still cute) Thought Layla fit it 

Enjoy :) 

Layla's POV 

I spent the whole night holed up in my room not bothering to leave to eat, shower, or even to talk to Kacey. Part of me knew I was over exaggerating since I had only known Ashton for a week but another part of me was really hurt at his words. I have heard the words plenty of times to know they are true but having them come from someone you didn't think would say them to you hurt worse than anything; worse than when my parents told me the same things. 

Dinner had passed awhile ago and I laid in bed staring at nothing and hearing my stomach growl loudly through the room. My stomach was begging me to eat but I didn't want to get up. As I stared at nothing my door flew open and in walked Kacey glaring at me.

"Layla Ann Kingston you are getting out of that bed this instant." She said her voice low and dangerous. I rolled my head to the side and stared at her. I knew my face was not at all attractive at the moment. I bet I had mascara stained running down my cheeks, my eyes swollen and cheeks blotchy. I wish I was one of those girls who could look great while crying but sadly I was stuck with looking like a zombie when I cried. If she was scared of my face she didn't show it. When I didn't make any movement she marched over to my bed and threw my duvet away from me. 

"You are going to get up. Shower to get your clown looking face off, and than you are going to eat. While you are eating you are going to tell me everything." She grabbed my arm in a hard grip and pulled me straight off the bed. I squeaked in surprise at her strength. For someone so small she sure was strong. "Get your ass in the shower right now while I grab you something to eat." With that demand she shoved me towards my bathroom and left the room. I sighed and headed to the bathroom. 

Stripping out of my wrinkled work clothes I stepped into the warm shower and let the warmth surround me. I throughly washed my hair and body trying to get the day off of me. I stood in the water until it turned cold, than I finally got out. Wrapping a towel around me I left the bathroom not even bothering to look in the mirror. I knew what I looked like and I didn't want to scare myself. I pulled on my fluffiest pair of pj bottoms and an old oversize shirt my last boyfriend left with me. Quickly running the towel through my hair I brushed it and left my room, letting my hair air dry. 

Slumping down on the couch I stared at the tv. Not even a second later Kacey put a bowl down on my lap and I saw she made me ramen noodles in soup form. Otherwise known as cheap college food. I shot her grateful smile and started to eat. I didn't know I was that hungry as I gobbled down my soup. 

"Now that you are cleaned up and eating care to explain to me why I came home to find you sobbing on your bed when you should be at work?" Kacey said cutting the silence. I swallowed and looked down trying to gather my thoughts and say it without making Kacey lose her shit. "Wait! Was it your parents?! Are they here!" 

My head snapped up and I quickly shook my head. If my parents were here than the world would be ending; literally. Kacey's shoulders relaxed as she stared at me. 

"I...Ashton broke up with me." I finally spit out. I surprised myself with what I said. Ashton and I weren't really an item. Why did I say it like we were. We only went on 1 official date. 

"At work?" She asked anger laying underneath the surface. 

"Yeah. I know we weren't really anything and I am overreacting." I said twirling some noodles around my fork. 

"He said something didn't he! What did he say to make you look this horrible." I shot her a glare. Only Kacey would be thinking about how bad I looked. 

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