Eleven - Meeting His Parents

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Neil: "So, Y/N, Neil tells us that you're currently looking at colleges to pursue a career in acting? Surely you're considering something a little more... reasonable." Mr. Perry raised his eyebrows at you as he took a bite of his food. You were currently sitting next to Neil at a dinner table at his parent's house, after hearing his parents were wanting to meet you. You could already tell his father wasn't fond of you, though he seemed like the kind of man that wasn't fond of anything, ever. "Well, acting is something I've always wanted to pursue, ever since I was a small child. My mother and father have both encouraged it, they want me to do what is going to make me happy. Though, I have considered Ivy League schools as well. Harvard, or Yale. My father is a businessman, so I've considered following in his footsteps, too." You suddenly couldn't meet Mr. Perry's eyes, though Neil grabbed your hand under the table and gave it a squeeze of reassurance. You didn't exactly want to go to Harvard, though it was true you've been considering it ever since meeting Neil. Ideally, you wanted to attend the same school as him to make things easier on your relationship. You assumed Harvard had some sort of theatre program, anyway, or at the very least a theatre club. You also just wanted to get through this awkward dinner as quickly as possible, which meant bending the truth to Neil's strict father as much as needed. You were afraid of saying the wrong thing and Neil's father not allowing him to see you anymore. While Neil had never mentioned it flat out to you, you knew his father placed a heavy burden in his mind. You could see it in your boyfriend's eyes every time he'd say something positive and his father would shoot it down without hesitation. You wondered how long Mr. Perry would try to control Neil's life, if once Neil moved out he'd still try to force him into things he truly didn't want to do, or if Neil continued to go against his orders, if he'd kick him to the streets. After thirty more minutes of torture speaking to Neil's parents (his mother being lovely but barely saying two words to you), you and Neil are allowed to leave. "They liked you, you know." Neil told you as you walked along the sidewalk towards the center of town, his arm around you. "No, surely not. Your father was shooting dagger eyes at me that entire meal." You replied. "No, no, I promise he liked you." He gave you a little squeeze, his face looming over yours to show a lopsided smile. "How do you know?" You asked him, your eyes narrowing since you still didn't believe him. "Because my dad isn't making me break up with you. He told me he approves of the relationship, as long as my grades don't slip. And I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen." He stopped the two of you so that he could face you and wrap his other arm around your waist, too. "Because I'm madly in love with you and don't want my stupid father to ruin the best thing that's ever happened to me." Then he kissed you, his hand brushing the side of your face before cupping it and deepening the kiss.

Todd: "Come in, come in!" Todd's father ushered both of you into the living room, and you felt Todd stiffen next to you. He'd barely mentioned his parents to you since you'd started dating, so you just assumed he didn't have the best relationship with them. However, he did tell you earlier in the week that they found out about you and insisted on meeting you, which is why you set aside your Friday night to have dinner at their house. You tried to get him to tell you about his parents, but he refused to tell you anything about them. He'd been uncomfortable all week since then and you were afraid you'd overstepped. "Oh there he is!" His mother now approached the two of you, giving him a quick smooch on the cheek and engulfing him in an awkward hug. He barely lifted his arms to hug her back. "And you must be Y/N. We are so thrilled to meet you! And thrilled to hear that Todd has a girlfriend! Isn't that right, honey?" Mrs. Anderson looked over at her husband, who nodded. "Yes, we never thought we'd see the day! Such a shy boy, he is!" They continued to make small talk with the two of you and soon you're all sitting at the kitchen table to eat. "So, I'm sure you've heard all about our older son, Jeffrey?" Mr. Anderson spoke up to you. Todd mentioned his brother only once before, telling you he was 'Mr. Perfect' in his parent's eyes, whereas Todd was the 'afterthought'.  You hadn't believed him when he said it, but when his parents brought up their oldest son and continued to talk about him like he was God himself, you grew to understand where Todd stood in his home. "Jeffrey was valedictorian at Welton a couple years ago, and now he's on the path to greatness at Harvard! On track to once again achieve that honor, and at such a prestigious university! Can you believe it?" Mr. Anderson shook his head while sporting shiny, sparkling eyes. "Well, I'm sure Todd is on track for greatness, too," you suggested, taking a peak at your boyfriend who hadn't said a word since you walked in. It worried you, seeing him quieter than usual. "Oh yeah, sure, sure!" Mr. Anderson replied. "Maybe not valedictorian like Jeffrey, but we are proud of him, too! The boy can play soccer, can't he?" His father shot you a white-toothed smile. "Todd, have you spoken to your brother recently? He's president of the Latin club, now! Just a sophomore, yet he's already the top Latin speaker at his school. Incredible, I mean just absolutely astounding, isn't it?" "Yeah," Todd muttered under his breath, and you reached to place a hand on his knee. After what felt like another eternity of his parents going on and on about the oldest son, they finally switched over to ask you about yourself. "So you've been attending Daugherty for, what, four years now?" "Yes sir, since seventh grade. This is my fifth year. I'm a junior, like Todd." "Oh, yes that's right. Todd is a Junior this year, that completely slipped my mind. Time sure does fly, doesn't it, honey?" Mr. Anderson looked at his wife and they smiled at each other. You continued to tell them about what you plan on doing after graduating, Todd remaining mute or uttering single word answers to questions. You felt sick to your stomach with worry. It wasn't until after dinner, once you'd left their house completely ("You'll have to come back, Y/N, dear! It was a pleasure meeting you!), and he'd walked you back to your school, that he really spoke back up. "I hate my parents." "Surely not," you replied, gripping his hand with yours. "I love them because I have to, but I hate how I'm nothing more than their 'other' son to them. It's always about how perfect Jeffrey is. They said one good thing about me all night. And I'm surprised they even said that." You felt yourself frown as you listened to your boyfriend. He sighed, his shoulders dropping. You took that moment to wrap your arms around him and press your cheek against his chest. "Well, you do have me, and you'll never be an afterthought to me. Always my first thought." It took him a second, but eventually you felt the tension he'd been holding tightly inside him all night relax, and he allowed himself to melt into your embrace. "Thank you." He whispered, and you knew you'd never love anyone else the way you loved him.

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