14. dinner.

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picking my clothes off the floor rushing throwing them on, the boys should be here any moment. And I'm half-naked. Giovanni watching me like he enjoying this.

"Stop watching me, their gonna be here any minute, we took too long," I say, throwing the shirt over my head.

"Why are you so worried if they catch us, so what." He says, I clench my jaw.

That the point, I don't want them to catch us. I like our friendship and I deeply don't want to ruin it. just because Giovanni and I are fucking.

"It not so what Giovanni, It's just-" what I started to say was ' I don't want them to know we're fucking because I don't want them to think this is gonna last when you said I'm basically just a good fuck for you'

But I end up just saying "I just don't want them to know. Okay," I say slipping on my pants.

I walked over to him, kissing his cheek and walking out the door.

I rushed down the steps pressing the button to the elevator. As the doors open the boys step out their laughter filling the foyer.

Their laughter stop looking at me. "Hey doll face whatcha doing here?" Robin asks, his silly little smile plaster on his face.

"Um, I was looking for you guys to ask you if you wanted to have an um movie night." I'm possibly the worst liar Ever.

"Movie night huh?" Logan asked, a grin on his face.

"Yeah, I'm having dinner with my family tonight but, tomorrow I wanted to plan a movie night, yeah that makes sense," I say. More to myself.

They seem to go along with it but I didn't miss the look mason gave me.

"Well uh, I'll see you tomorrow for movie night," I say brushing past them. Just as I pass mason he grabbed my arm and spoke.

"If your gonna keep sneaking around fucking Giovanni, at least learn how to lie." I look up at him with wide eyes.

Mason winked at me, walking past me. How in the hell did he know?

And here I was thought I was being miss Kim impossible and yet I'm dr.Doofenshmirtz.

Isn't this just great?

I pull my bag out of my car as I pulled into my father's driveway.

Daily dinners every two weeks have become a priority. Ever since my father feels as if he has been distant from his children. I find it funny he is concerned now.

It not that my father wasn't around, it was the prime fact he didn't care. Sleeping with multiple women and building his company was his priority. I love my father he has always been there for me but, he was emotionally there never physically.

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