Chapter 19

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        I laugh as Kelvin hovers above me. "Blueberries?"

         "I found some! Come on!" He holds out his hand.

          I look at the sinking sun. "It is already getting late. Peter told me I should be in the lost boys place before dark."

          "This won't take long. I promise." Kelvin wiggles his fingers.


          "It takes more than blueberries to break me." I huff.

           Kelvin's eyebrow lifts. "More for me then." He shrugs and spins away. I leap into the air and grab his hand. His laughter fills the air around us as we fly above the tall trees.

        Apples are delicious no matter how often you eat them. But blueberries...blueberries are a rare treat.

        We drop down. I have never been this close to Neverland's ocean before. Where does the ocean begin and end? Where is Neverland, really? Is it in our world? In our universe?

        Magic messes everything up.

        It confuses logic and breaks every rule. Even though it can be beautiful and powerful, it is also dangerous.

        Maybe magic was never meant to be. But if there was a way to destroy magic, who would be willing to watch it die?

        My feet hit the grass. I am not used to such a view. The ocean splashes against the cliff we stand on.

        Neverland is the opposite of London. London is a city. A poor, dirty city crowded with desperation and hunger. Neverland has a clear open sky, tall green trees and soft grass. An ocean around it and lakes and rivers scattered through it. Flowers that are free, not confined to gardens or parks.

        London is still my home. It always will be. But Neverland is my dream. If there was no darkness, would I be willing to stay here? I am not sure. On the outside, it is everything I could ever wish for. Beauty and freedom and magic.

        But underneath it all-even without the curse-there is a sadness. Life wasn't meant to pause. Life was meant to change with each day and every moment.

        I want to grow up, but I also want to stay the same. But more than anything I want to have the choice. Even if I am not sure what I would choose.

        Kelvin pushes aside a curtain of hanging vines. Next to a small waterfall are the blueberries. I join him as our greedy hands pluck the small, ripe fruit. I push blueberries into my mouth, but my eyes stay fixed on the waterfall.

        The water shimmers in the dying sunlight. Rainbows reflecting off the pool.

        I am thirsty.

        An overwhelming urge to drink the water rushes over me. I drop the blueberries and stumble towards the pool.

        "Wendy?" Kelvin's voice sounds faint as I scoop my hands under the water and lift it to my lips.

        "No!" Peter Pan knocks my hands aside and pulls me away from the water.

        I fight him, my arms flailing, but he is stronger. Peter drags me past the hanging vines. My throat is parched and my eyes alight with fire.

        "What are you doing?" I push away from him. "I am thirsty!"

        Kelvin walks toward us, blueberries smeared across his cheeks. "Um, Pan?"

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