Chapter 50~Shay Dixon

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On my way to my locker, I run into Sadie. For the first time in months, she actually seems relieved to see me.

"Shay! I have to tell you something!" Sadie stammers, her eyes lighting up like they used to when she wanted to tell me a secret.


"You see, I meant to tell you yesterday but then I-"

I cut her off. "Just tell me."

Sadie nods and takes a breath. "It's about..." She checks behind her shoulder. "It's about Sasha..."

"What about her?" I sigh, not wanting to hear anymore rumours about how awful of a person she is.

"Cole didn't do anything wrong."

"What proof do you have?

"Well...the conversation at the coffee shop! She recorded the whole conversation!" Sadie finally gets my attention. I raise my eyebrows but Sadie doesn't stop there, and soon I'm wanting to hear more. She tells me everything she overheard in the hallway between Sasha and Cole. I can't believe I trusted her over Cole! How could I trust a person I hardly know over my boyfriend? So maybe she was right about a couple things but what if that's just because she stalked him after they dated?

"I gotta go find Cole..." I stutter, still in shock.

Sadie nods. "Yes, what class do you have next where he's with you?"

"English...we sit by each other so it'll be easy enough to talk to him."

Except, he's not in english and, unlike last time, he doesn't show up at all. I head to my next class, science. He never shows up there either. I'm pretty sure I failed the science test but all I care about right now is finding Cole. Maybe he's just sick.

Me: We need to talk. I want to listen to your side now.

I head to Sadie's locker, glad to see her there. "What's up?" Sadie asks. "Did you talk to Cole yet?"

I shake my head. "He hasn't shown up and he didn't text me."

Fear fills Sadie's eyes. "Sasha wasn't in class either. She skips a lot but lately she's started showing up to every class. I haven't seen her around at all today."

I shift my feet, feeling dizzy with worry. "Do you think she's hurt him?"

Sadie winces. "I'm sorry Shay but, by the way they talked yesterday, I'd be surprised if she didn't."

I nod. "You're right. I gotta go find him."

"I'll help you."

I almost decline her offer but then remind myself that Cole's life could be on the line here. "Good idea."


And now we're getting to the action. Well, some more action anyway...Thank you for reading and have a great day/night! 💞

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