Chapter 17: Close Encounter

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     It was the middle of the night when I was awakened by a rumble. I was laying on my hay bed next to Tooth, with the only sound being the stream's gentle bubbling. The rumble was soft, but I knew better now than to ask Tooth about it. If Chirp didn't believe me, chances are Tooth wouldn't either. I looked out the mouth of the cave. It was dark, but a soft dark. I felt calm again and tried to fall back asleep.

     There it was again, another rumble. This time more forceful and demanding. Like somebody was trying to wake me up from being half asleep. I can hear them, but I also don't know they're there. I buried my head under my feathers, trying to muffle it.

     It happened again, this time loud and slightly painful to my head. I couldn't muffle it, because it was like it was inside my head. I could hear something, or someone, calling to me.

     "Sundance, please wake up." it sounded like. I wasn't Sundance, but it felt like I was.

     I stood up, careful to not wake up Tooth, and walked out the cave entrance.

     "Again? What do you want from me?" I whispered out into the endless void of space.

     "Wake up." I heard.

     "I said," I took a breath in "what do you want!" I said, louder. It only just now occurred to me that I could wake up Tooth, but I didn't care. I needed answers.

     "She's responding." I heard faintly.

     "What do you want from me?" I shouted, most likely going to wake up Tooth, but I didn't care.

     "I want you to wake up!" I heard, louder.

     "I can't wake up, I'm already awake!" I shouted, slight tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

     Everything went silent. Whoever that was didn't respond. It went silent except for a slight buzzing sound. I felt emotional, like I had almost seen the ones I love again. I had almost gotten home. I had almost lived.

     I used to just play these feelings off on the fact I was a child, and children think stupid things, but now I feel like they were justified.

     Maybe I'm not what I seem to be. To even myself.


(a/n: oooh, interesting... also, apologies for the short chapter! will try to make longer in final edit!)

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