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"Please," I begged. "I've always wanted to sit in an oak tree. Pretty please?"

Another sigh left Nolan's mouth as his gaze shifted from my face to the said tree we were standing in front of. I wanted to see its branches up close, and I knew I would feel safer if I had Nolan by my side in case anything happened.

Unfortunately, he wasn't as enthusiastic about the idea. He seemed to have it in his head that I would flip out at the sight of any insect and possibly fall off the tree before he could have the chance to grab me. He wasn't totally off the mark about my reaction, but I liked to believe that I had more sense than to behave like that while I was in a tree.

"Fine," he said. "But you have to promise me that you won't make any sudden movements, even if you see an insect crawling on your arm. I don't want you to fall."

"I promise! I'll grab your arm before I start freaking out," I said immediately.

He eyed me for a few seconds, obviously trying to assess how serious I was. I stared back at him as solemnly as I could.

Letting out another sigh, he nodded. "It's dark, so be careful."

"You don't need to sigh so many times! I'll be careful."

"You go first," he said. "If you fall, at least I'll be here."

"Thank you, Nolan!"

"Want a boost?" he asked, looking over at the tree. "The lowest branch still looks too high for you."

I made a face when I realized he was right.

"Yes, please!"

With Nolan's help, I got up onto one of the sturdier-looking branches and held on to the trunk for support. The bark underneath my hands was rough, which was good because my palms had started to get sweaty from my nervousness.

Buoyed by his comforting presence below, I slowly made my way up the large tree. I'd reached around the middle of the tree when I decided to settle down on the branch I was stepping on. This was high enough.

I had to be at least thirty feet above the ground, but I didn't dare to look down in case I lost my nerve. Firmly, I kept my gaze at eye level while trying to get into a comfortable sitting position.

"Can I come up now?" Nolan's voice called up from below.

"Yes, please!"

It took him significantly less time to get up onto the same branch as me.

I scooted over carefully to make space for him.

"Holding two people shouldn't be a problem for it, right?" I said, referring to the branch we were both sitting on now.

"Probably not," he said, looking down at it. "This branch is pretty big."

"Good," I said.

Up here, the air tasted cool and fresh in my lungs. With a smile of contentment, I looked around at the leaves hanging down around me. In spite of the additional moonlight provided by the height we were at, I still couldn't really see my surroundings in great detail. I tried to shove any thoughts of insects out of my mind.

"This is it," I said to him. "I've finally accomplished my childhood dream."

He snorted a little, earning a glare from me. "Of what, climbing a tree?"

"Yes," I said. "I would never have been able to climb one in the past! I can't believe I'm sitting in one right now. And it's on such a lovely chestnut oak, too."

"You've sat in a tree before," he reminded me. "I think you said it was a ... sweetgum tree or something."

Ooh, he remembered what it was called. I was impressed.

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