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H I S  P O O R  M O T H E R
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THE LIZARD ATE THE PRISONER. Satisfied with its meal, the monster allowed itself to be herded back into the tunnel, its thick body moving in a lazy, sinuous roll. Feta grimaced upon taking in the scene of the man's smoking, unrecognizable remains that lay in a dark red splotch on the sand. The crowd was booing viciously.

"Why are they complaining?" Nina asked angrily. "Isn't this what they came here for?"

"They wanted a fight," Kaz said, like it should have been obvious. "They were expecting him to last longer."

"This is disgusting."

Kaz shrugged. "Only disgusting thing about it is that I didn't think of it first."

Feta looked flatly at Kaz from behind the glinting shell of her mask as if to say Seriously? He seemed to return the look even through the bulbous eyes of his Madman costume, as if to answer Seriously.

Feta knew good and well that Hellshow was optional, she just didn't like knowing men profited off potential death when it wasn't their own, and she certainly didn't like Kaz wanting in on the idea.

"These men aren't your slaves, Kaz," Nina pushed on, conviction seething through her voice. "They're prisoners."

"They're murderers and rapists," he responded coolly, lifting his gaze back to the arena. The guards were already dragging a new prisoner across the sands by their shackles.

"And thieves and con artists. Your people."

"Nina, sweet, they aren't forced to fight. They line up for the chance. They earn better food, private cells, liquor, jurda, conjugals with girls from West Stave."

Muzzen cracked his knuckles, letting out a soft chuckle. "Sounds better than we got it at the Slat."

Good thing you'll be here to participate, Feta thought grimly. She knew what the plan was, and she knew Muzzen wouldn't even really get a shot to sign up for Hellshow, but seeing him so eager for the rewards within his reach intrigued her as to how well he'd do in the arena.

Nina cast a critical look out over the thrashing crowd, the barkers taking bets from the aisles. Quietly, as if she'd rather not know the answer, Nina asked, "Helvar doesn't...Helvar doesn't fight in the arena, does he?"

"We aren't here for the ambience," Kaz said.

"Are you aware that I could waggle my fingers and make you wet your trousers?"

Feta and Inej snorted loudly.

"Easy, Heartrender," Kaz said almost lazily, as if her threats were nothing more than annoying flies. "I like these trousers. And if you start messing with my vital organs, Matthias Helvar will never see sunshine again." Kaz didn't even sound cruel, merely factual.

But of course Matthias Helvar would see sunshine. Kaz needed him for this job. Feta imagined Kaz just wasn't interested in shifting uncomfortably in his pants for the rest of the show, reeking of piss.

Kaz felt Feta breeze away from his side to go play damage control with Nina. She slipped stuck her head between Nina and Inej. "Nina"

"Don't you start in on me," she grumbled, glowering at no one in particular. Feta spared a look at Inej, who nodded for Feta to keep going. Feta craned her neck back up at Nina the girl was built bigger than most of the scrawny things around the Barrel, a pleasant, healthy, glowing sight. Her long brown hair fell in an effortlessly stunning tumble underneath her veil.

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