Chapter Fifteen

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~~Merlin's POV~~

I stand behind Arthur as we walk around the really big castle.

I think we are going to meet the king now. Mother always said the king hurts people who have my power. I don't want to get hurt.

I slightly tug on Arthur's pants and he stops to look at me.

"What's wrong Merlin?"

"I don't want da king to hurt me."

Arthur looked around the then knelt down to me.

"I promise you, the king won't hurt you. You just have to remember what I told you."

As we were walking to the castle, Arthur told me that I can't use any of my superpower, or magic as he calls it. I trust Arthur.


Arthur knows best. Mother always taught me to listen to people who are old.

We stand behind these really big doors with dressed-up men on both sides. Arthur gives them a nod and they open up the doors.

Ahead, there are a bunch of people standing towards the side, with a man in a big chair in the middle. There is a smaller, empty, chair next to him.

As we walk in, I can feel the stares of the people around me. I don't like that.

Oh! There are my friends! I see them standing all together near the front. There's also a really really old man standing with them. They keep exchanging glances.

I feel like I've seen that old man before.....

"Arthur! Why have you returned early from your hunting trip? And why do you have a child with you?"

I looked at the man. I think he's the king. He's wearing this crown and his clothes are really nice.

"Father. We had a, um, dilemma. On our trip, we encountered a sorcerer who intended to kill me. Merlin took the blast and as you can see, turned him into a child. Four summers exact."

I knew this was my turn where I'm supposed to say hello to him.

"Hi your, your, your, uh, your-"

What was the word Percy said?

"-umm umm-"

In a panic, I look over at Percy. He is mouthing a word out.

Unknowingly, the candles in the room started to get a little bit higher.

Okay. I think I got it.

"-your magicisty."

A snort comes from the direction of the knights and I see the old man hitting the back of Gwaine's head. That wasn't very nice.

I look back at the king to see him staring right at me. Do I have something on my face?

"Well, he sure is your incompetent servant. Are there any side effects with the magic?"

"No father. Just that Merlin doesn't have any of his memories past the age of four. I figured I'd have him brought back for Gaius to examine."

I wonder who Gaius is. Hopefully, he is nice.

"Good. Get right on that. In the meantime, a replacement servant will be given to you. Gaius?"

The king looked towards the old man. The old man nodded his head in acknowledgement (Mother taught me that word last week!).

"If anything is strange, magically that is, you let me know immediately."

"Yes, sire."

Oh no. I don't like him. He hit Gwaine.

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