Chapter Nine

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In the evening, as Luo Xiu returned to the main house and was about to head back to his room to rest, Mr. Yuan reported to him, "Sir, Master Meng Yang only drank a bit of porridge for dinner and went to bed. I saw that he looked uncomfortable, so I asked the doctor to come over. After checking him, the doctor said he was okay but should rest properly and not be overworked."

Luo Xiu frowned and went up to Meng Yang's room.

Meng Yang was sleeping in a daze when he felt that someone had come in. Immediately opening his eyes, he saw that Luo Xiu was the one who came in. He sat up and looked at Luo Xiu to say, "Mr. Luo, you're back?"

Luo Xiu sat down on the side of the bed, looked at Meng Yang's poor complexion, and asked, "What did you go out to do today?"

"I... I chatted with my friend and then came back, nothing else. Maybe it was the wind that was blowing outside, but I suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable when I came back. But Mr. Yuan called a doctor to check on me, and the doctor said I'd be okay after a good rest." Meng Yang didn't want Luo Xiu to know about his car racing. He beat up Xiao Ke to get him into the car and then drove single-mindedly with lots of tossing and turning, so he felt a bit uncomfortable upon coming back.

"Don't go out again until you're well." Luo Xiu habitually used a commanding tone. He knew that Meng Yang was at an age where he liked to go out and play with friends, but it was important to rest and recuperate after an injury. He thought that Meng Yang was too young to understand or care about such things, but if he left behind any residual injuries or complications, he would surely regret it later. As the person who caused Meng Yang's injury, he had the responsibility to use the attitude of an elder generation to ask him to rest well.

"I know." Meng Yang put on a clever and obedient appearance.

"You're absolutely safe in here, and no one can hurt you. If you don't feel at ease then I can have someone stay outside." When Luo Xiu came in, he saw that Meng Yang was extremely vigilant even in his sleep, which seemed to be a manifestation of insecurity.

"No, just have Mr. Yuan lock the door." When Meng Yang lived at the bottom of the cliff, he became accustomed to staying highly alert even while sleeping.

The two of them sat quietly for a while. Meng Yang leaned on the headboard, pale and weak-looking, once again arousing compassion and sympathy in Luo Xiu's cold heart. He thought that this boy was a little pitiful. He had some family, but they were like vampires, so it was better to have nothing.

Luo Xiu also had many relatives, and after so many years of loneliness, he could understand Meng Yang's feelings and felt a little more sympathy for him.

"Have a good rest." Luo Xiu got up to leave.

"Mr. Luo..." Meng Yang called Luo Xiu, looking like he wanted to say something else.

Luo Xiu looked at Meng Yang puzzled and waited for him to continue talking.

"I..." Meng Yang looked up at Luo Xiu and said, "When we were abroad, you said that in order to repay me for saving you, you could help me with whatever you could."

"Have you decided what you want me to do for you?" Luo Xiu asked.

"I hope you can marry me." Meng Yang looked at Luo Xiu seriously and said, "As long as three years is okay, then you can repay me with three years of marriage. Do you agree?"

"Married?" Luo Xiu looked at Meng Yang in shock and said, "Marriage isn't a small thing for me or for you. I can't agree with your request, so let's change it to another one. I can give you half of my personal property."

"Half of your wealth is a deadly temptation to anyone, but not for me," Meng Yang said, smiling. "I just want three years of marriage, and we can divorce after those three years. I have no other requirements except this. That's all I ask, but you can agree or disagree with this. I will not force it, and I know that it won't force you, so it's up to you to decide."

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