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Lee Rang stirred awake from from what sounded like the cries of a baby. A very familiar sound but he just couldn't piece out who it belonged to in his half-dream state. Then he cracked open his eyes to see a tall, dark figure standing next to his bed, almost giving the gumiho a heart attack as he yelped in shock.

"Rang it's me!", the figure said with Yeon's voice

"What the hell Lee Yeon? It's three in the morning!", Rang pulled the covers over his head and turned away from the noise of what's now confirmed to be his nephew's weeps.

"Rang ah! Help!", Yeon tugged at the sheets

"Aiii get your offspring away from me! I hate the sound of crying!"

"Same for me! But he just won't stop crying!"

"What do you expect me to do?!", Rang uncovered himself, sitting up and huffing in frustration.

"Jia and I haven't slept properly for two days, and I've gone to everyone for help! You're my last resort...pleaseee Rang ah!", the older pleaded desperately, "Chanie is always calm around you, just hold him Hmm?"

"Arghh fine!", Rang groaned and held out his arms to take his nephew from Yeon. Bouncing the crying baby a few times and (threatening) soothing him to making him stop, "Shhh Chanie, Stop crying...shh..."

Yeon watched in awe as if he was witnessing a magic show, within a few moments, his brother was able to make his son shut up for good, almost as if the younger had done this his entire life.

"Oh my goodness, how do you manage this every single time?!", Yeon groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair frustratingly

Rang shrugged with a yawn, "I don't know, maybe it's a half-Gumiho sort of thing."

Just then, a brilliant idea sparked in Yeon, "Rang ah."


"Keep Chanie for 48 hours"

The younger's eyes widened, awake at an instant, "What?! No!"

Yeon rested his hands on the latter's shoulders, "No, 24 hours...pleaseeeee I haven't slept for three days because of his crying! I'm begging you~"

Rang shook his hands off, "No! Do I look like a nanny to you?"

"Yah! Can't you help your one and only brother and your poor baby nephew?"

"Your woman is going to go nuts if she finds out that you left her child with someone who tried to kill her many times in the past."

"I'll deal with that part...Rang ah pleaseeeee!"

Rang looked at the small creature resting comfortably in the crook of his arm, he could never resist the way Chan looks at him sometimes. Despite not being able to speak, his eyes tell everything, and at this moment, he's asking Rang to take him in. Ultimately giving him a tough time to reject, "Fine!", Rang sighed, "Have SinJoo to come over because I will never change diapers!"

The older grinned, "Of course! I'll call him right now! Thanks Rang ah!", Yeon unloaded the daycare bag onto the floor, along with other bits and pieces that Rang didn't even realise he had on him, "Everything you need will be in there, if he's cranky then it's probably because he's hungry."

Rang tsked his brother, "Look at you, getting all excited to leave. Don't think I'm doing this for free!"

"Yeah yeah I owe you big time", Yeon hurriedly pecked Chan on the cheeks and patted his head, "Be good! Appa will be back!"

"You better be!", Rang warned as Yeon turned his back to walk away, free as a bird, not even taking another look of his son and brother.

The young Gumiho looked tiredly at his nephew in his embrace, "So it's just you and me huh?"

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