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The light emitted from the early morning sun shone past my eyelids. It was the same as it has been for the past few years; the same birds chirping, breeze whistling, leaves rustling, and stream water rushing. The air smelled of the delicacy I made last night, mixed with the rustic smell of pine.

I decided to get up for the day, as there was no point in sulking over something that is clearly out of my control. Walking down to the stream by my small hut, secluded from the bustling village, I cupped the cool morning water with my palms and splashed it on my face.

The clear water, its freshness is something I will dearly miss if I ever return back home. I got my wooden bucket and scooped the water, hoping it will be enough for the day. Walking back home, I settled on making some herbal tea, enjoying the forest scenery ahead of me, with a hot cup of freshly brewed tea in my hands.

From a young age, I enjoyed the blissfulness behind silence, but that was when it was my choice. Being an outcast in this new world, I yearned for companionship, for a voice other than my own to break the silence.

I looked down at my reflection in the still amber liquid in my arms. I looked different from my adolescent self. My naturally dark curly hair stood out in contrast to my pale skin. My eyes remained the same as a fox's, just like my mother's.

After years of solitude, I've grown resilient to acting upon my emotions when thinking back to my past and yearning to reunite with my family.

I heard the bush rustling before a long brown tail poked out; along with a familiar bobcat, Athens as I like to address him. Throughout these years he was truly my only friend.

When I first found this abandoned hut and decided to reside here, I came across quite a surprise. Unaccustomed to being up close with such a large cat, saying I panicked would put it lightly. He ran away in an instead, probably fearing me more than I feared him.

After a few days of spotting each other from afar, I decided to feed him a fish I caught. Soon those occasional moments turned into daily visits and a bond between man and animal began. Not like prey or predator, rather two quiet beings enjoying each other's company.

Athens came close as my arms naturally reached out and petted his rough fur on top of his head. His eyes closed briefly as he purred ever so lightly. Just as I finished the last few sips of my tea, Athens returned back to the dense trees of the forest.

Despite not knowing many of the Kingdom, I needed some money for basic human necessities that the forest failed to provide. Gathering my several flavoured tea leaves the townspeople have begun to enjoy, I began my hike.

I was fortunate enough to have a hut and a large piece of undisturbed land, but buying a horse itself was only for the fortunate. The village was uphill and walking toward it was a hassle at first. Eventually, I began to enjoy it and the scenery of the waterfall that I passed by.

I wasn't exactly sure which country I resided in, but the kingdom was Nordfjord. It and the usual warm and cold months, and luckily the summer season has just begun.

Most of the town was still inactive in the early times of dawn, as I rushed to the local herbalist. She was a kind, old lady named Hansel who I enjoyed meeting. I rushed into her store and returned her welcoming smile.

"Good morning, dear. I hope you are doing well?"

"I am thank you, Hansel. I wish you the same as well. I have increased the number of tea leaves and it should be more than sufficient for a week."

"Perfect. Thank you, why don't we drink some tea and eat some bread."

I nod my head in agreement, as one can never consume too much tea, and sat down by the small table. I enjoyed my time with Hansel, especially the human companionship aspect, but I couldn't always rely on her as she had a business to run and a family of her own.

We talked about general topics and I was enjoying my time with her, that is until her next words made me nearly choke on the tea I just drank.

"When will you finally decide to leave your secret home and get married, Rheya?"


I whined and she sent me a reprimanding look and kind smile. She was like the grandmother I never had and I loved her dearly for all she has done, whether she knew it or not.

"You can't remain hidden all your life"

"I'm not staying hidden. It's just nobody will understand me and won't marry an orphan such as myself."

I knew marriage would be an easy escape to live in this world for women such as myself, but it felt wrong to wed someone for that reason. I wanted to tell my husband about the truth of how I came to Nordfjord, but nobody of this time will understand. I survived this long, not to just die in the hands of my supposed husband and declaring me a witch or sorceress.

"You're a true beauty and a kind soul, not to mention your amazing talent for making tea. Any man would be fortunate to call you his wife."
"Maybe sometime in the future."

I said wanting to end this discussion. She nodded her head in acceptance and we once again talked about more joyful topics.

"Hansel, I really should go now. It was great chatting with you. See you in a few days."

I said as I kissed her cheek. She waved at me as I left the small shop, stating her goodbyes.

Walking back home was much easier and enjoyable, as the soft breeze blew across my face. My long curly hair was tamed by a braid, but a few loose curls occasionally invaded my line of sight.

I momentarily paused my steps when a tree blossomed with several white flowers that stood in contrast with its green leaves. My footsteps rushed ever so slightly as I eagerly went towards the tree. Several white flowers bloomed across it and I couldn't stop the smile that spread on its own accord on my face.

I plucked a few of them and placed them on my hair, reminiscing in the sweet smell. A few feet away, some fresh berries were scattered across the thick bush. I gathered some and placed them in my now empty basket.

As I continued my walk down the hill, towards my hut I heard an unusually loud splash from the waterfall. Thinking it was a rock or log I continued my stroll unbothered, although something told me to check.

I traced my steps back and decided to finally stop the war with my conscience and walked towards the base of the waterfall. I froze when I heard loud shouting and heavy footsteps run down the hill.

A  group of large men, who resemble soldiers were the culprit of that noise as I observed them from afar. For a moment I believed that they were here to ambush the kingdom, that is until a large object floated to the surface of the water.

A man jumped into the large pond and dragged the object, or rather an unconscious figure. As if it was instinct, my legs carried me towards the group of soldiers


Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter. The second chapter will be posted soon.

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