chapter 13 : date night

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(wait to play the song please!)

𝗘𝘃𝗶𝗲'𝘀 𝗣.𝗢.𝗩

This morning was off to a good start I was in a suprisingly good mood for some odd reason. I was in the middle of getting dressed when Alexis popped up in my mind. I wanted to take her out tonight. On a date. I wanted to get to know her. The  real her. Just have to get the courage to ask her out on this sort of date night.

- 𝗔𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗷𝗼𝗯 -

It was a normal day it was going very slow for some reason and everytime I got the chance to ask her out I backed out and let my nerves get the best of me. Lunch time came round and I went out with Kayla to that cafe we went to once before. "Sooo what's up with you and our hot boss ??" She asks curiously. "I- what are you talking about also you think she's hot ??" I say hint of jealousy in my voice. "No don't try to switch the subject all day you two kept staring at each other with the like totally crazy in love eyes. You know you're not as sneaky as you guys thought you were. So spill." She says the last bit in a more demanding tone.

"Fine but there really is nothing to tell. We're not even dating. So like I said nothing to tell." I said sadly. "The stares I saw not even an hour ago was most definitely not nothing." She said while taking a bite of her muffin. "I'm telling you the truth and she probably doesn't even like me like that." I say voice getting lower with every word. "Well how do you know she doesn't? You haven't asked her yet have you?" She says quickly and she's not entirely wrong.

"I mean I haven't but we kissed a few times and only had one conversation about it and it really didn't give any closure to our relationship so." I say while sucking the life out of the straw in my drink to distract me from my sh*tty life. "What did she say when you two talked?" She asked nervously. "That she didn't regret it. Thats all. I just- I need more. How can I act on a relationship when all I know is a 4 letter sentence on how the other person feels." Frustation is all you can hear in my voice.

"Yeah I understand, but hey on the bright side maybe by that she meant that she likes you and is willing to be in a loving relationship with you or she just wants you for sex. Honestly both great deals." She says causing me to chuckle at the last sentence. "Come on we're going to be late." I say still laughing.

We hurry up and walk back to work hand in hand thankfully it wasn't too far. When we arrive I think just maybe I might actually go through with my plans to ask her out. Kayla and I's conversation actually gave me a sense of mind and helped.

I walked into Alexis's office nervously. "Hey Evie you're done with you're lunch break already? I thought you had another 10 minutes?" She asked with a confused face but still smiling nonetheless. A smile that I've been seeing a lot more lately. "Erm yeah I came back early because I kinda have something I want to ask you." I said while scratching my left elbow with my right hand. Something I've done since I was a child when I got nervous.

"Kind of? Ok well i'm not busy right now so I guess i'm all ears." She said blankly. "Oh god, I did not know I was going to be this nervous. I'm just going to say it. Would you Alexis like to go on a date with me?" Almost immediatly after asking her that a long sigh escaped my mouth as I anticipated her anwser. "Thats it? Thats what you were scared to ask? Oh my." She said the last bit slightly laughing. "Yes Evie I would love to go on a date with you."

She said while walking over to me and pulling me into a short lasting kiss. I pulled away with a playful angry face. "And I wasn't scared to ask you I was just nervous. Very nervous." My own words couldn't even fool me because I burst out laughing right after saying that and Lex shortly after. She softly pulled me onto her lap like I was something precious to her that she cared for deeply. "So my lovely date where are you taking me tonight." She said while caressing my face with her right hand and one of my thighs with her left. "It's a suprise." I said quickly pecking her lips then getting of her lap. "Can I pleaseeee get the rest of the day off to plan everything out I promise I'll work 3x hard tommorow." I say practically begging. "Yeah of course and you better i'll hold you to it!" I hear her shout in the distance I was halfway out the door before she even said yes.

- my pretty boss 🤍 (𝘄𝗹𝘄)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora