I married a big villain: chapter 12

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Chapter 12 Ignoring

  Yun Sisi can't take back what she said, so she can only sulk.

  Sending away Mu Chengzhu and Mu Jiayu, Yun Sisi came to Yun Shifei's room and said to Yun Shifei, "Sister, don't ask a tutor. If you don't understand in the future, come to me. "

  She always felt that Yun Shifei had begun to develop in a direction she couldn't control.

  This is not a good thing. She didn't want Yun Shifei to get better at all.

  Yun Shifei still looks quiet, and cautiously said: "But my foundation is too bad. I want to lay a good foundation. I'd better ask a professional teacher to do a better job."

  "No, I know where your foundation is weak. Let me teach you." Yun Sisi suggested.

  "But you have to study too. This will delay your study time."

  Yun Sisi frowned, with a rare gloom on her face: "Sister, it's not good to ask a teacher. The tuition is expensive and the teaching is not good enough. It's not clear, let alone, he might still look down on you, can you bear it?"

  Yun Shifei has a strong self-esteem, and she couldn't stand it when she said a little bit about her background. Surely you can't accept being discriminated against by the teacher.

  Just after speaking, she saw Yun Shifei's expression a little weird and looked behind her.

  Yun Sisi turned her head and saw Xu Ya standing behind her from some unknown time. Xu Ya holds two cups of milk in her hands, her face is calm, without the smile of the past.

  "Sisi, what were you talking about just now?"

  Xu Ya unexpectedly heard it! Yun Sisi's face turned pale, and her breathing stopped.

  Yun Shifei was thinking whether Yun Sisi would faint in the next second. However, she adjusted in a flash.

  "Mom, I just think it's fine if I teach my sister. Please don't ask a tutor. We don't know the details of those tutors. In case the more they teach, the worse it gets."

  Listening to Yun Sisi's explanation, Xu Ya look less bad, because she just misunderstood Sisi: "I will find out more about it."

  "This is like, our family did not ask for a tutor for fear of being cheated." Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Xu Ya's face. It's the kind of proud smile to see her daughter's excellence.

  Yun Shifei pursed her lips. But she is so useless and can't be on the stage.


  The weather in this period is always good and bad.

  Obviously it was still sunny the day before, and a patter of rain began the next morning.

  It's hot and humid. Yun Shifei got up early in the morning.

  Yun Sisi is going to the city center today to participate in a dance competition held in Nancheng.

  Therefore, she does not need to get up so early. Yun Shifei had just finished breakfast, and Yun Sisi came downstairs leisurely.

  She was wearing the clothes Xu Ya asked her to try on that day. She is very thin, slender figure, wearing such a skirt, she is beautiful, like a princess in a fairy tale.

  Xu Ya stepped forward to help Yun Sisi tidy up her clothes.

  "Mom will tie you a little braid, so that you can dance better."

  Xu Ya gathered Yun Sisi's hair. When Yun Shifei came out after eating breakfast, she saw Xu Ya and Yun Sisi sitting on the sofa, Xu Ya was seriously helping Yun Sisi braiding her hair.

  "Mom, I'll be nervous later, what if I don't dance well?"

  "Don't be afraid, Mom will be there."

  "If I win the first place, can mom give me a reward?"

  "Okay, What do you want?"

  "I'll talk about it then, I haven't thought about it yet."

  Yun Sisi's voice, the little girl's innocent and lively, very flattering. And Xu Ya is very fond of Yun Sisi.

  Yun Shifei always felt that she was like an outsider, out of place. She changed her shoes, went out with an umbrella, and said to them: "Mom, Sisi, I'll go first."

  "Be careful on the road."

  Xu Ya then looked back at Yun Shifei and quickly took it away. Go back and continue talking with Yun Sisi.

  Yun Shifei opened the door and walked out. The cold wind blew across Yun Shifei's face, and Yun Shifei only felt a little pain.

  She don't know if it is a pain in the face or a pain in the heart. That's right, she still care a little bit.

  The school is only a dozen minutes away from their home. Although the Yun family has a car, they will not take her to and from school like the Cheng family.

  In fact, most of the children in the community go to school by themselves.

  Parents will not be so worried. Yun Shifei walked along the road.

  But who knows, when Yun Shifei is halfway, the rain is got heavier. The crackling rain fell on her umbrella like pebbles.

  How can this little umbrella cover her? Soon, the rain hit the wind, and most of Yun Shifei's body was wet.

  She hurried to the school, too anxious, didn't look at the way in a hurry, didn't know what she was tripping over, and fell to the ground.

  It hurts—

  Yun Shifei's eyes were filled with tears, and she grabbed her nose and climbed up, only to feel the warmth at the tip of her nose. When she let go, her nosebleeds flowed out.

  Washed by rain, dripping down her school uniform. Very embarrassed.

  There was a car hurriedly passing by. The car passed by her and didn't stop, and all the water splashed on her.

  Yun Shifei subconsciously looked up at the car and couldn't help being taken aback.

  Isn't that car, the license plate number, belong to their family? At this moment, Xu Ya was sending Yun Sisi to the dance competition.

  Didn't see her, drove past her quickly? Yun Shifei watched the car go away blankly.

  Her mind was blank at this moment, and she didn't know why she was so sad at this moment. The disappointment spread bit by bit, as if she couldn't help it even if she worked hard.

  She picked up the umbrella and got up. The elbows and knees are hot and painful, and they should be injured.

  Can I still go to school?

  When Yun Shifei was wondering whether she should go home or go to school, a car stopped beside her.

  Yun Shifei turned her head and met the young boy's quiet eyes.

  Like a deep pool, there is no bottom.

  It's Cheng Yu.

  By such a coincidence, she ran into him.

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