Pink in the Night

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[Please play the video on the background]

I glow pink in the night in my room
-do you see it?-
-once I tell you the truth, you will not want to see me ever again-
I've been blossoming alone over you
-Don't be silly! What did you do? Kill all of my friends?-
-Poe.. Now you're scaring me-
-I wish it were the case that I'd kill your friends-
-I know who you are-
And I hear my heart breaking tonight
-I've committed the worst crime of all-
-I do not think so-
I hear my heart breaking tonight
-Do you hear it?-
-W-what? Please tell me, for god's sake-
Do you hear it too?
-Just tell me, will you stay after I ruin everything-
-Edgar... -
-Please, would you be honest?-
-One thing I know for sure is that you will not ruin anything-
It's like a summer shower
-If you trust me-
-I do trust you-
-Edgar you're shaking..-
-I know.. -
With every drop of rain singing
-Edgar please don't cry-
-Ranpo.. I'm so sorry-
"I love you, I love you, I love you
-I love you-
-You w-what-
-I love you-
-Edgar.. -
-I love you-
I love you, I love you, I love you
-You wanted me to be honest, right?-
-I did.. -
I love you, I love you, I love you!
-Edgar, I love you, I love you, I love you.. -
-Ranpo... -

The shiver that went across all of Ranpo's systems was scary. Letting an impulse control his body.

Yet a chuckle left his lips, right before connecting theirs.

A scene that seems too perfect for Edgar's mind.

I could stare at your back all day
-Everytime I see you... -
-Everytime you see me.. -
- I.. -
-You.. -
I could stare at your back all day
-I want to kiss you badly..-
-mhm, really?-
-Yes.. -
-Is that your huge crime?-
-Kind of..-
-Kind of? -
And I know I've kissed you before, but
-I know my lips will hurt you-
- I see.. -
I didn't do it right
-My love will bring you trouble-
Can I try again, try again, try again
-Can I try again?-
-Want to try again?-
-Can I try again-
Try again, and again, and again
- I really want to.. -
- then kiss me-
- your lips? With mine?-
And again, and again, and again
-Only if.. -
-Edgar just fucking kiss me-
-It's because.. -
-Because I love you-
-And I love you too-

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