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"We won't be co workers anymore, so I can do this."

"Just open it." Donny says in frustration as he pushes the letter across the chicken shop counter to Max.

Max looks at the unopened envelope for a brief moment. Taking in the words 'Wattpad Writers' written boldly in the left hand corner.

Everyone now circles him, in excited anticipation to see what was inside....


It had been six months since that night, and things were slowly getting back to normality. As promised, Max had waited, giving Tayce time to come to terms with what had happened. He had grieved at the loss of Frank. It was difficult for Max to fully understand, but he said nothing. He knew how complex feelings were and was in no position to judge.

After the police report filed Frank's death as accidental, Tayce was at least able to lift the burden of being the cause, though the guilt didn't fully leave him. When Frank's family found out the reasons behind him being on the wall in the first place, they didn't take kindly to Tayce. Their precious son would not do such unkind acts! Tayce thought it best to stay away from the funeral.

It was agreed that he move in with Jerry. His mother thought it best Tayce was under her watch, where she could feed him good meals and take care of him. Max couldn't really argue with her. All he had in the way of food was cup noodles and beer.

Max chose to be there for Tayce as a friend as that was what he thought Tayce needed, but it was evident something was still there between them. Max was worried he may have missed his chance, but he still hoped...


Max begins to peel back the corner of the envelope, revealing a letter on headed paper. He begins to read, his heart beat getting faster, the more words he takes in.

He puts his hand to his mouth as he rests the letter on the counter.

"Well...what does it say?" Donny asks excitedly.

"They're offering me a publishing deal." Max says, his voice sounding like he disbelieves the words coming from his mouth.

"That's amazing!" Jerry jumps a little in excitement, turning and hugging the person next to him, who happens to be Micky.

"Aish...does this mean I need to find a new employee?" Jojo moans, pushing Max a little in jest.

"Yeah...I guess." He smiles, once again picking up the letter to read, to just make sure what he read was true.

Max then looks over to Tayce who is standing much further back from the huddled group. He smiles a warm smile at Max and gives a thumbs up, before heading out the back.

"Excuse me a minute." Max says. Following Tayce, the group was too busy talking how they could boast about how a world famous author used to work at Bang Bang chicken to notice his departure.

Max sees the door to the locker room close and he soon follows to see Tayce sitting on one of the benches, his body slumped forward, head in his hands.

Tayce stands up when he hears the door open and Max walk in. "Oh hey." He says, all smiles, trying to clear his nose with a few sniffs as he gets to standing.

"No, you're not doing that." Max says, shaking his head, walking towards him.

"Doing what? Tayce laughs innocently.

"Doing that thing you do, faking the smiles because you don't want others to know what's really going on with you."

"I'm not!" Tayce insisted.

"Yes you are." Max places his hands gently on Tayce shoulders. He speaks softly. "Tell me, what's up?"

Tayce laughs and shakes his head, but the tears start to fall. "I'm just being silly. Ignore me. I'm so happy for you... but..."

"But what?"

"I'm sad I'm not gonna see you anymore. You are getting what you always wanted and I'm so glad, but Max, I'm really gonna miss you."

"What are you talking about? I'm not leaving the planet, just here. These things don't happen overnight." Max pulls Tayce close for a hug. Tayce buries his face in the warmth of Max's neck. He wraps his arms around him, holding him tight.

Tayce pulls away looking at the ground, smiling. "I kind of thought we'd become more, you know, after that night. I know things were all messed up and the wrong way around, but you know I still like you."

Max looks at Tayce a little surprised. "Seriously? Because I thought you were, I don't know, not sure, not ready."

Tayce now looks at Max equally surprised at the revelation. "I thought because you didn't want me to stay with you that you didn't want to be more than friends after all."

"Oh my God, no that wasn't the reason at all. You've seen my kitchen cupboards. You needed a mother's touch, I'm no mother."

Max and Tayce both laugh as they press their foreheads together. "I don't know who is more stupid right now." Tayce laughs.

"Well you...obviously." Max smiles, teasingly.

"Let me kiss that smirk from your face." Tayce says under his breath as he plants a light kiss on Max's lips. Then he plants another and another, until Tayce has Max pushed against the lockers in surrender, kissing feverishly as if his inner tiger had been released.

Tayce finally pulls away smiling at how flush and wrecked Max looks. "So I guess this means you still like me huh?" Tayce teases.

"Y..yeah." Max utters a little out of breath. He puts his hand up to Tayce's cheek. "You really wanna do this, you know, be with me?"

Tayce nods, smiling shyly.

"Well I guess there's one good thing about leaving this place." Max adds.

"What's that? Tayce questions.

"We won't be co workers anymore, so I can do this."


Max smiles at Tayce "Tayce Gibson...Date me, be my boyfriend."

Tayce smiles widely, catching Max's lips lightly with a delicate kiss.



A/N A massive thank you if you have chosen to read, vote or comment on this story. Much appreciated!



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