Chapter 15- Nightmare

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I was at my old house

The smell of cigarettes giving me a sense of comfort. But the smell of alcohol makes me want to gag


Why am I here?

Did the police not tell me that Toby is dead?

Just then I head a slam and the front door opened and there stood Toby.

Yes, they did tell me Toby is dead but they did not find a body and I knew it it was some pathetic trick of his.

Even though I fight back sometimes but he being muscular and tall does more damage to me than I do to him.

He walks towards me and I wanted to run I wanted to get our of this house but I couldn't move. It is like my legs are glued to the ground.

I, again, tried to move but I was unable to do so.

Just then he crouched to my level gave me a sickening smile and slapped me right across the face.

I tried to move my arms to fight back but it was as if someone was holding my arms in their grip leaving me defenseless.

I did one thing that I haven't done in a while. I screamed. I screamed with all my might but it didn't stop Toby.

Suddenly everything went blank.

The next moment I was lying on a bed on my stomach. I again tried to move but I failed. Again. I was restrained.

Is he gonna whip me? But he has whipped me only when I was little and weak. But now I am strong why can't I fight back?

Suddenly I felt pain on my back. He indeed was whipping me.

I started screaming.

I screamed and screamed and screamed but he didn't stop.

Now he was laughing like a maniac. And kept whipping me.

"please stop"

I pleaded.

I was screaming and pleading but it didn't seem to affect him at all.


I heard a faint voice. The voice sounds familiar but I can't seem to recognize it.

Another whip.

"I am sorry. Please stop"

I screamed.

"Moon wake up"

Huh? Wake up?

But I am awake

I screamed again when he whipped me again

"Moon, wake up. You are dreaming"


Lorenzo is my brother.

"Lorenzo help me" I pleaded. If my brother is here he can help me

"Moon, love wake up. I am here. You are dreaming"

Lorenzo said with a voice full of panic.

"Lorenzo help me" I screamed when I he whipped me again and next second he was choking me

I can't breath


Lately I have been worried about Moon.

She doesn't talk to us. She is always in her room and when we try to make a conversation with her she always try to keep it as short as possible.

I was sitting with Enzo and Luca. Xavier and Salvatore were busy with their own stuff.

"let's go for a trip or something" Luca said mkaing Enzo and I look up from our phones

"All of a sudden?" Enzo asked him

"I might be overthinking this but I feel something is off with Moon. I think it will give us some time to bond and stuff you know" he said with a slight awkward tone that made me and Enzo laugh

"bond and stuff" Enzo and I said at the same time and laughed at Luca's irritated face

"I feel the same. Something is off with Moon" I said and Enzo agreed with me

"let's talk to Salvatore and Xavier about the same" Enzo said and I and Luca agreed with him.

Suddenly I heard something that sounded like a scream. I looked at my brother and it seems they too heard it. We ran towards Moon's room

Xavier and Salvatore came out of Salvatore's room and it looks like we all are about to do the same thing. Barge into Moon's room.

When we entered we saw Moon but she was sleeping. Huh? Then who screamed? Suddenly she screamed again

We rushed towards her. She wasn't moving but she was crying and screaming and her eyes were closed.

Is she having a nightmare?

"Moon" I called her name. I did not touch her as it can startle her

But when she screamed again

I tapped her cheek lightly

"Moon" I said again but she wasn't waking up

"Please stop" she said crying

"What do we do?" I asked looking at Salvatore

"Try waking her up" Salvatore said with worry

"Hey hey Moon, love, wake up. You are having a nightmare" I said slightly patting her cheek but she wasn't waking up if anything she stated screaming and saying please stop again and again

"Moon, wake up. You are dreaming" I said shaking her up a little

"Lorenzo, help me!" she pleaded

My brothers were trying to wake up her but it wasn't working

"Lorenzo, help me!" this time she screamed with all her might and the next second her hands went upto her neck and she started choking herself.

"that's it. Let's Hold her down" Salvatore said and he and Xavier pinned her legs tit he bed while Enzo and Luca with gret difficulty freed her neck from her hands and held them in place.

"Moon wake up, love, wake up. You are dreaming" she was just crying now and she was holding her breath.

That only arose panic in us

"MOON, WAKE UP" I kind of shouted

And the next second her eyes fluttered open.

She tired to move but as guys were holding her down she couldn't and that only arose panic in her voice.

She looked at me with pleading eyes

"Lorenzo, help me" she said looking at her legs and arms.

"Let. Her. Go." I scowled at my brothers.

And they immediately complied. And the next second she was against the head of the bed. It was as of she was trying to maintain as much distance possible between us.

"Lorenzo, help me" she said again.

"love, it's okay. You are safe." I said as I moved towards her. But she tried to get away from me.

I ignored it and held her hand in mine. "it's okay, come here" I said as I pulled her towards me.

"Help me, Lorenzo" she said crying and that kinda broke my heart into pieces.

"I will help you, my love. Come here" as I encouraged her to come to me and the next second she was hugging me.

"Help me, Lorenzo. Please." and I swear never in my life gave I ever felt this useless.

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