Chapter 2

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Hi everyone first A/N and I just want to say that I will try my best to write and to this kind of things as often as I can. I I'm really trying to do my best in creating this story it would mean the world to be if you shared this with people or recommend but you don't have too. Either way have a good day <3


It's funny how life can be so against you sometimes. One minute things are going great and the next it's a living hell! It's been a week since my new boss has been taking the role that Mr. Mario once held.

It's constantly arguing with my boss or ignoring him. Let's just say we don't necessarily get along... well actually we pull each other's hair every single day.

I try my best to get along with the devil but I just can't!!! He's so frustrating that sometimes I just want to quit my job. But if I quit my job then it's going to look like I can't handle not being around him and I can't let him know that.


I thought I was finally getting everything under control but I guess i don't...

It's him, it's really him, I never thought I would see him again I mean it's been what 6 years since we haven't seen each other.


It's probably been 3 years but 6 if you count actually having a genuine conversation with the guy.

It's Enzo my biggest enemy and now my fucking boss!!

"Well well well, it's funny seeing you here Cesar." He says with a devilish smirk. I swear to god that I wish I could slap him right here right now!

But I can't!!

"Hi, Mr. Enzo it's a pleasure to see you!" Ok ya I know one sec I was raining about how I hate the guy but what do you expect that I'm stupid or something. He's father is right in front of me and I need to keep my job and his respect towards me.

"Well it's not a pleasure to see you Mrs. Cesar!" The nerve of this guy! I was being polite and he had the decency to talk to talk to me like that!


"Ok that's enough Enzo! You be polite to Cesar she's your personal assistant, she will practically help you run this company. You two need to get along and put your differences side!" I know I should have moved on from what happened 6 years ago but I just can't not that easily.

My heart aches each time I think about it and how things ended between us. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and redo everything. But life doesn't work that way. And I have ever right to keep rage inside my heart!

"Look dad you really want be to work with this piece of shit!" Ok that's enough I'm so done with him I'm sorry Mr. Mario.

"Look Enzo you can hate me all you want out side of work but here we do things a little differently and with respect! And I would like it for you to respect me! You have no right to talk to be like that I was being polite with you and your treating me like shit already! We're professionals here and we don't take bullshit from no one so if you mind have some decency!"

Part of me felt amazing for saying that out loud but also mad because I let him get the best of me. And I honestly hope Mario isn't mad.

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