22. This Fucked up Shit

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She couldn't have.

But then the mark...? Accidentally, perhaps? He... forced her?

I almost knew Athena wouldn't do such a thing. But she needed love, and whatever else a wife should get from her husband. She wasn't receiving any of that from me so I did the stupidest thing.

I doubted her.

Something in me froze at the sight of her clear pale face glistening in tears. It looked so bad, she was even begging me to trust her.

A girl who ran her actions with her wild heart, with a strong and adventurous heart, and a stubborn one at mind, would never beg for anything from anyone. She was one, and she did beg.

The only thing that's clear to me now is...I hate her crying when I am the cause. She said in the most heartbroken voice I have ever heard that she has never hated me more.

Those words still kept ringing in my ears, and it's annoying as hell.

I tossed again on the empty bed, sleep coming nowhere near me. Is this such a big problem? Groaning, I threw the duvets to the side and got up, thinking of checking on her.

I knew she took one of the rooms in the hallway itself, I just needed to find out which. It wasn't hard, because she took the room directly opposite mine.

Athena was on the floor, leaning against the couch with her neck in an uncomfortable angle, with her laptop.

I slowly got in without making any noise, in case it woke her up. No, she slept like there was no tomorrow.

Dried tears were on her cheeks and dark circles started to form around her eyes, making me slowly feel a bit....guilty?

I shook my head and then bend down, taking the laptop away from her and closing it shut.

Hoping she wouldn't be awake I picked her up in my arms and got out the room, going into ours. I laid her down gently on her side of the bed, hoping she wouldn't be even angrier with me tomorrow for the small shift.

I went into the bathroom, feeling a bit...I don't know. I looked in the mirror as the eyes stared right back at me. A small memory crawled in my head seeing the storm in my grey eyes.

"Do you like storms?" I frowned at the sudden change of topic.

"Not much, I guess. You?" Her face lightened up as she and looked up with a faint smile.

"I love it. Especially the dark grey ones." Who loves storms? This girl was weird. "Why?" I played along anyway.

"It's beautiful, how it rages a second and calms the next. Grey is a really beautiful color." Athena finally mumbled in a daze.

Maybe I didn't know it back then, but now I know Athena loves my grey eyes. She has said it in the most casual and crooked way possible. Is it ever...?

I shook my head, looking back at my reflection though. Not bragging, but I was damn handsome, young billionaire, hot, everything a man wants to be. I can fire anyone, I can bring down someone's life with a blink of my eye, I can make someone just as prosperous as me easily.

I can do anything.

What is the fucking use? I have everything, yet I lost everything.

And I knew it won't be soon before Athena leaves this hellhole. Leaves me. For sure it will be the happiest day of her life.

I can do anything, but I can't give her the happiness she deserves. It....just won't work.

Hearing some strange noises I exited the bathroom and my thoughts, to see Athena writhing on the bed. What the fuck?

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