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     Kit slept over at Simon's house so they wouldn't need to wake Liam, or call on Asher so late at night. Simon had a nasty feeling in his stomach and woke up the next day feeling a little sickly, but it was the weekend so he didn't have to worry about school. As usual Simon woke up early before everyone else, and went downstairs to fix up breakfast for twin sleepy-heads, Liam and Kit. He was still in the kitchen when there was a pounding on the front door. Simon switched off the waffle maker, and walked into the front hall where the knocking was coming from. He looked up to see Kit poke his head from the hallway, and give Simon a strong look. There was a second harder knocking again.

     "Open it." Kit mouthed. Liam came out from around the corner, wearing nothing but a pair of underwear. He rubbed his eyes sleepily, and pushed his bed head out of his eyes.

    "Shit." Liam's eyes went wide as he noticed Kit. Kit had a surprised smile on his face, as he stared at Liam. "I forgot we had.. I thought you went home last night... I should change." Liam turned around and walked right back into his room cussing to himself. Kit turned his view from watching Simon's brother leave, to Simon himself with a giant grin on his face. 

     "Best. Day. Ever." Kit exclaimed. The knocking continued once again, and Simon snapped back to the task at hand. They never got guests, and neither of the boys were expecting a package. Simon slowly reached out and opened the door. Standing in the small model homes barren garden was Shea, eyes bloodshot, and hair a mess. He had his hands stuffed in his pocket, and an angry expression on his face.

     "Hey Shea, would you like to come in? I made waffles." Simon greeted with a smile.

    "Save it. Save it with your crap. I know what you did." Shea accused.

    "I don't.."

     "How could you tell Asher that I gave a fake address when I applied to school?" Shea demanded.

    "What? Shea.. no I didn't.."

    "You're the only person I told! Nobody else knew!" Shea was fuming, and Simon could practically see his anger fizzling off him. "You are the fake-est person I know. To think I actually thought we were friends."

     "We were friends. We are friends. I didn't tell him, I swear." Simon pleaded.

     "Then who the hell did?" Shea asked, "Because I'm racking my brain here and I just can't come up with any other possible explanation." 

    "I don't know who told Asher.. Why does it even matter if Asher knows where you live?"

    "Because Simon, I can't go to Boston Central if I live in the Cambridge district." Shea rolled his eyes angrily, "But whatever play the dumb card. We both know you did it, and-" Shea ranted angrily. There was a shuffling behind Simon, and he turned to look back into the house.

    "Liam, no-" Simon looked to see Kit trying to hold back Liam as he marched towards the door, he'd managed to get a shirt on before overhearing the conversation, but was still in a pair of blue and white striped boxers. Liam ripped the door from Simon's hand, and marched out onto the porch, pushing Shea back.

    "Get off my porch!" Liam yelled. He had an inch advantage over Asher, but Shea was shorter than Asher, and Liam towered over the boy. Shea's eyes went huge, "Do not make me say it again." Liam yelled, still threatening, despite being barefoot, and pants-less on the front lawn. 

    "Whatever. Simon's always had bodyguards.. I just thought we were.. nothing. We're nothing. I'm gone." Shea stated, and turned around got in his car, and sped out of the driveway, Liam left breathing heavily, half naked with Simon and Kit looking on from the porch. 

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