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Chapter 6

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The school had failed Mildred, but there was one more place she could try. The moped motor hummed beneath her as she rode along, steadily calming her mind. Thinking through the fog of helplessness was possible, and she realized the best course of action now was to bring the situation to her mother.

It was still early in the day, so the most likely place for Barbara to be was in her home office. She might be upset with Mildred for leaving school early, but when Mildred explained why she left, she hoped her mom would understand. Ashamed that she hadn't taken after her mother, Mildred had never actually explained to Barbara why she hated school so much. It was now time to clue her in; there were no other choices. Despite her harsh attitude, Barbara still cared about her daughter's well being. Hearing that it had gotten this severe at school for Mildred would make Barbara rethink things. Mildred doubted her mom would allow something like this to go on even a moment longer. She probably would have already handled it if she had known what Mildred dealt with daily. Mildred knew that her mom was a very persuasive woman who liked to be on top of most situations. Mildred had no doubt that the taunts would soon be history. Mrs. Waco would visit Roanoke High and Mildred's life would change for the better. She would see to it that Miss Spade punished Mildred's bullies, and they might even get in trouble with their parents. They'd never mess with Mildred Waco again. The thought made her cackle out loud as she zoomed down the busy street.


Mildred walked into her house and saw the stuffed suitcase by the door, zipped up and ready to go. Immediately, her spirits fell. This sight was an all-too-common one for her.

"Oh, Millie, you're home," Barbara exclaimed. Her black hair was pulled into a ponytail. Her outfit was a Victoria's Secret Pink joggers and a jacket—what she referred to as her comfortable traveling clothes. "Why are you home so early?"

"There's something—"

"Just a moment, dear," she said as she checked the noise that was coming from her phone. "That's my office again. We really need to hurry."

"The reason I left school—"

"Don't, Millie," Barbara said. She busied herself going through her bag, making sure everything was accounted for. "Honey, I can't deal with your excuses today. Miss school, go to school, today it doesn't matter. We've got something huge going on and your father and I have to get to Hawaii."

"What? Now?"

"Yes, now." She stopped looking through the bag and went into the kitchen, where Mildred watched her take a few packets of a special fitness powder she mixed in her drinks. "I was going to text you, but I'm kind of glad you're here to see us off instead. I do hate leaving while you're out."

"Mom, can you just stop rushing a minute so we can talk?" Mildred asked, not bothering to inquire what the urgent work was this time. She knew it would concern some type of animal in a place that was warm, exotic, and completely void of their oddball daughter. Her heart grew somehow heavier.

Barbara finally removed her attention from her luggage and her phone and looked at her daughter. She noticed Mildred's troubled, red eyes. "What is it, honey?"

Here was Mildred's chance, if only the lump in her throat would shrink enough so she could squeeze the words around it. "Um . . . there's these . . . these kids—"

"Barbara!" her dad yelled from their bedroom, his voice much more demanding than poor, timid Mildred's. "Where's my traveling razor?"

"It's in the bathroom drawer!" Barbara yelled back.

"Where? I don't see it!" he shouted.

Mildred's mom blew a frustrated breath and mumbled, "He does this every time." Then she patted Mildred's arm with her bony ring-clad hand. "Look, honey, whatever it is, do what makes you happy. Don't give in to peer pressure. Tomorrow is a new day. Things change."

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