Chapter 21....

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"So its senior year of college and we are literally days away from being drafted. This one," Trevor jerks his thumb towards Wyatt. "decided to get drunk; I'm talking piss drunk. Well he seemed to have forgotten we had practice the next morning. Practice was a bitch and halfway through I look over and Wy is green." Trevor laughed loudly. "Minutes later as we are in the middle of suicides he throws up everywhere."

I laugh along with the others, imaging poor Wyatt sick as a dog. Wyatt winced at the memory, not that I blamed him.

"Bet you didn't drink for awhile after that." I teased.

"Was a good month if not more." The look on his face had me giggling.

After agreeing to go out and celebrate with Wyatt and his friends, Wyatt and I followed behind the others as they lead us to some bar a few blocks away. Apparently it was going to be just us which eased my nerves a bit. At first I was a bit hesitant about going inside seeing the way it looked on the outside, but all it took was a tug on my hand from Wyatt and a promise it was fine for me to relent.

Surprisingly the inside of the bar was nice. It was a little smaller than some bars that I have been to but I liked it. High top tables and chairs lined the walls leaving a path to the bar and to the pool tables near the back. It was slightly odd that it wasn't that busy considering it was game night, but in a way it was nice.

We were able to grab a table big enough to fit us five and since it wasn't overly busy, it was easy to talk. When we walked in the bartender behind the bar immediately called out the boys names with a wide grin. I later learned this was the place they liked to come to after a game when they didn't want to be hoarded with fans. The few people that were in here merely cheered at the guys before going back to their own thing.

The whole atmosphere here was great and I understood why they came here, not to mention the good bar food and drinks. Their fries and sweet potato fries were to die for.

For the past hour the five of us have just sat around drinking, eating and laughing. Trevor told a few stories about him and Wyatt at University. And stories about him, Bryton and Wyatt when they first met and became friends. 

I also learned more about Bryton and Sydni who were literally the cutest couple. More than once I had to look away as they kissed or stared at each other with love sick eyes, feeling like I was intruding.

"Wow the Wyatt Boone was quite the partier in college." I said with a raised eyebrow, sipping my beer.

"What can I say I knew how to party." He shot back.

"Knew? Not so much now?" I questioned.

"This is the extent of my partying." He lifted up his beer with the quirk of his lips.



"Nothing," I shrugged. "Throwing up after being really hungover is kinda boring..." The way his eyes widened at my words had me stifling laughter into my drink.

"Excuse me? What about you Ms. Partier." Wyatt's gaze was intense as he raised his own eyebrows at me. "Anything you want to share?"

"Nope." I said with a grin.

"Nuh uh you don't get to sit there and judge and not spill a secret." Wyatt shook his head.

"I don't have any party stories."

"Lair." Wyatt leaned in a bit towards me over the table. I found myself mirroring the move, ignoring the stares of the other three people sitting with us.

"What do I get if I tell you one?" I countered. God his eyes are beautiful. He was quiet for a moment and I felt the tension rise between us.

"I promise I won't laugh." His face was so serious that I had a hard time keeping mine the same way.

"I don't believe you."

"You'll have to see won't you." The slight challenge in his words had me sitting up a bit straighter.

"Fine." I conceded. The smug look that appeared on his face had me rolling my eyes but secretly liking it.

"Do tell." The sound of Sydni's voice had me remembering we weren't alone and that three other people were sitting with us. When I looked away from Wyatt I found three sets of eyes already on me, all with raised eyebrows. Fighting the blush threatening to break free on my cheeks I took a large sip of my beer before telling my embarrassing drunk story.

"It was my junior year and my best friend/roommate, Tasha, and I decided that since midterms were over we should celebrate. So along with a few other friends we threw our own little party in our dorm room and got pretty much plastered. Someone randomly came up with the idea that we should leave our dorm and go wander around campus in our PJ's." I say as all four of them listen intently.

"Anyways, we are walking around campus drunk off our asses when someone, not even sure who, decides that we should sneak into the building where the swim team practices." To this day I still believe it was Tasha. Back then, hell even now, she's the type coming up with ideas or getting us into situations that we should definitely not be in.

"I'm not even sure how but we snuck inside and headed straight for the pool. Again being drunk off our asses we decide to strip and get in the water. All five of us are swimming around in our underwear yelling, laughing, being extremely loud when suddenly campus police show up. We all jump out the pool, not even bothering to grab our clothes and booked it out of there so fast." I laugh at the memory.

"We ran across campus practically naked laughing loudly, not even caring that we almost got caught. A few days later they put an announcement up that no one but the swim team or people with an ID can get into the swimming area. And asked who were the girls that snuck inside." Of course none of us said a word to anyone else.

"Wait that was you!" Sydni suddenly exclaimed.

"Hold up you guys went to the same school?" Bryton interrupted looking between us.

"Honey catch up. That's old news." Sydni waved him off making me grin. "For weeks people questioned who snuck in." Sydni laughed shaking her head. "Man thats amazing. Wish we had known each other in uni."

"Why do I have the sudden feeling these two being friends isn't a good idea." Bryton spoke up. Sydni and I shared a grin.

"Too late."

I looked over at Wyatt with a smug look on my own.

"See makes your story sound boring."

"Fine I'll give you that one." He resided as he leaned further across the table again. My body had a mind of its own as it moved to meet him halfway. A quick glance at the others I found them deep in conversation ignoring the two of us. Turning back I held in a small gasp at how close we were. If I moved just another inch our lips would touch.

"But," The smell of beer and spearmint fanned across my face as he spoke. His blue eyes glued to mine. Being this close I could see the shift in color before he said his next words. "the real question is what kind of panties were you wearing."

My breathing hitched at the tone he used. It came out so low and raspy, the tone seeming to sink into my skin. It suddenly felt really hot as he continued on looking at me like he was imagining me in just my underwear. That thought alone had me shifting in my seat. Desire was starting to pool in my belly and all I wanted to do was leaned forward another inch and capture those lips with mine.

Just as I was seconds away from doing just that Wyatt pulled back. He gave me a playful wink before turning to Trevor, starting up a conversation like he didn't just suddenly tease me. 

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