8 | I Texted First

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"WILL THAT BE all?" I hoisted the customers' empty plates from the table.

"No, thank you, sweetie. Do you, by any chance, have a boyfriend? I have a grandson who would just adore you." The little old lady leaned toward me with a hopeful look.

Her husband flashed his eyes at her. "You can't just ask people that, hun."

"It's okay." I chuckled. "No, I don't have time for boys, unfortunately."

"That's a shame. You're very beautiful."

"Well, thank you." I smiled and left to retrieve their check. Working on a Monday evening was not on my to-do list this week, but the restaurant needed extra help and I'd rather make money than study. So, here I was.

"Empty table twelve for me. Then you're free to go. Thanks for your help tonight, Garner," my manager said. I smiled at his acknowledgment and walked the check to the old couple and my cleaning supplies to table twelve.

There was a storm brewing outside the restaurant windows. The dark clouds swirled over the ocean and the waves crashed onto shore violently. I hoped I'd be able to finish here and beat the rain home, but it didn't seem likely.

It definitely wasn't likely.

By the time I made it to my apartment, I was drenched. My clothes were saturated with rain, clinging to my body like a second skin. The door slammed behind me and I jumped when I saw Reva and her date from Friday sitting at the table.

"Oh! I'm so sorry to interrupt."

Her date stood with an extended hand. "You must be Sadie, I'm Penelope." She was beautiful, her hair falling in perfect, black braids down her back and her smile lit up the room. "Reva's friend," she added.

I wasn't expecting to meet her so soon and in this state. Wiping my hands on a dish towel, I shook her hand. "It's so nice to meet you, Penelope. I'm sorry I look like a drowned rat."

She laughed and Reva said, "We were on a walk when the storm hit. So, we came here until it blows over."

"It doesn't look like it will let up soon."

We all peered out the window, and I shivered. The thought of showering and climbing into bed sounded amazing, but showering and going to the studio was the smarter decision. Not to mention that would give Reva and Penelope space. That's exactly what I did.

Once I showered, I dragged myself and my backpack out of the apartment and drove to the studio. I turned my ignition off and sat in the parking lot, staring at the studio. The pounding rain beat on the hood of the car, creating a faint pitter-patter. I didn't want to get out, and frankly, didn't have the urge to paint.

I found myself looking at the baseball field and exhaled.

Friday was fun, but not exactly how I imagined it would go. I hadn't heard or seen Elijah since his conversation with Jayce on the staircase. But that didn't surprise me.

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